Boo York

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E: "so things are changing a little Angel-of-Heartbreak and I thought we might mix this up with Monster high movie Boo York. so it'll take place in Boo York now and might for the rest of the story." (please remember this is an rp between us. we don't have everything planed and somethings might change so please don't get mad because that is what makes rps awesome.)

Clawdeen's POV

It's a normal day for us at Monster High. It was lunch time so me and the others are in the cafeteria. I sit next to Serenity. I really want to confess my feelings to her but I'm scared to. We see Cleo walk over to us looking very happy and excited.

"Gouls fangtastic newz! My family and I are going on a trip to Boo York!" She says happily. Serenity looks confused. "Boo York is like your New York." Death says. Serenity nods understanding. "And since Serenity helpped me a bunch on getitng an A on a test. I'm bringing all of you to Boo York with me." Cleo says. "That's awesome!" I say. "I can't wait!" Frankie says happily and excitedly.

Catty must of overheard cause she comes over to us. "Do you mind if I come with you gouls?" She asks. "nope. The more the merrier." Cleo tells her. "Great thanks." Catty says. "oh my ra. I need to go or I won't have anything to wear!" cleo says and runs out of the cafeteria. "Gouls we need to go too or we won't have anything to wear!" I tell them. We all run to our homes to get stuff to wear.


I step out of the scare port. "Hello Boo York." I say. It's a nice sunny day....well nice for me. Death can't be out in the sun. She has an umbrella sheilding her from the sun. Jenae's next to her but that's cause she wants to be.

I look at Serenity and see her hair blowing in the wind. it makes her look even more like a goddess. I blush a little. "So where to first?" Frankie asks. "Sightseeing." Serenity says. "Oh yea. let's go!"


We're walking in the subway when we wear someone rapping. We see some monster looking like a pharaoh mummy. As he's rapping Sereinty starts to sing with him. I'm amazed at how her voice sounds. (play the video up top. minus the part with the mom. pretend Serenity is the one singing not Catty) They sound amazing together and he even starts dancing with her. This gives me an idea for how I can confess but it's also making me really jealous.

They finish. "I'm Serenity." She says introducing herself to the guy. Serenity is also blushing a little at him. "I'm Pharaoh." He says also blushing a little. The crowd starts to go after them. Jenae tries to find Serenity. "No luck. She and that Pharaoh guy got lost in the crowd." Jenae says.

I don't know what to do. My heartbreaks a little from seeing Serenity blushing at that guy. "I'll text her where we're going so she can meet us there." Frankie says. Frankie look at me worriedly. I guess she can tell I'm kinda upset. Nana and Grace hug me. They're good little sisters of mine but I'm still kinda sad. "maybe she wasn't blushing at him and got flustered after dancing." Frankie says. I'm hopping this is true.

Jenae sighs. Jenae is the groups love expert and cane tell if people are in love with eachother. "This is going to get complicated." She says.

E: "So it seems someone likes someone. Is Pharaoh also in love with Serenity or is Serenity the one in love with Pharaoh? I don't know but I think Clawdeen makes a cuter couple with Serenity. I hope things work out for them. Please leave a comment I'd love to hear what you think!"

MADE ON 10/17/18

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