Love interests.

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E: "I hope things work out with Clawdeen and Serenity or at least something goes good for her."

Clawdeen's POV

The gouls and I were walking around it's been an hour since we last saw Serenity and I'm still pretty sad. I'm starting to think they actually like each other which hurts me. I have something for when I confess to Serenity but I don't think I'm going to need it since she loves someone else.

Then I bump into someone and fall on my butt. "oh I'm so sorry miss." A girl says. I see a hand reach out to me. I take it. I look at the girl and I'm shocked. she looks exactly like Serenity. "It's ok." I say while blushing a little. I could be imaginging things but I think she's blushing too. "oh my goul. I forgot to tell you Serenity has a twin sister. everyone this is Harmony." Draculaura says introducing her. "H-Hi." She says. "I invited her to come along since she and my sister are friends somehow." Cleo says. "She's not that bad Cleo." Harmony says.

"H-Hi I'm Clawdeen." I say intrducing myself. "I'm Harmony." She says. "Nice to meet you. We were just walking around. do you want come with?" I ask. "Yes please. Cleo's sister is making me shop too much." She says. "Well were going to be sight seeing so I hope you don't mind more walking." I tell her. "nope not at all." She says. I walk next to her as we walk.

My heart starts to repair itself and slowly I start to fall in love with Harmony.

MEANWHILE and Pharaoh's POV

We finally. Slow down and lose the mob of people. "They really like you. Especially the girls." Serenity says. "Yea but they only like me because they think I'm going to be famous and rich one day. They don't care for me or my music." I say. "I don't care about being rich. it's a wast of time if you ask me." She says. Finally a goul who understands me. (he doesn't know she's a Normie.) "I don't care if I get rich. I just want to get my music out there and be me." I say.

"Preach my friend. Preach truer words never spoken." She says encouraging me. "Music is my life and the only way I can be me. In my family it's do this or you'll get punished or get kicked out to the deepest part of the dessert were you'll never be seen or heard from again. So that's why I come out to the streets and preform and be me." He says. Serenity pats me on the back.

"I never told anyone thing but I was a famous singer in the human world. I traveled as far as the eye could see but I stopped because my passion and heart was no longer in the music I wrote. so I quit." I say. "That's a good reason to quit. If yout heat and passion isn't in it then it's not really there." I tell her.

"Don't I know it. My parents when crazy." she says then sighs, "My parents were mad since it ment no fancy parties, designer clothes, or a mansions." She then gags. "or my mothers obsession with pink." She said. "at least you told your parents. My mother would kill me if I told her. she hates music." I say. "Wrong. they punished my by making me train most of my life." She says. "i'm sorry to hear that." I tell her

"It's not that bad." She says. she takes off the gloves on her hands and her hands were burned. "I wish these would heal." She says. "If you wish under the comet's light than it'll heal. Anything said under the comet's light will come true no mater how imposible it is." I tell her. She looks at me. "pardon?" She asks. "The comet. it's the most powerful thing in the universe. If you make a wish under it's light then it'll come true even if the wish is imposible." I explain.

"Your world is better than mine. My people would use that power to hurt one other and gain power. I'm just thankful I'm away from all of that." She says. wait our world? she's a normie. wow. "You'd be surpised that some monsters do that too. though all the monsters that do that were hurt. either raised to believe they were freaks or they were hurt by Normies." I tell her. She starts to climb a ladder to a roof. "Yep, that's why it's me and Harmony agaisnt the world." She tells me. I climb up afters she's off.

"So you look out for your sister?" I ask her. She nods. "Yes but she's going to be attending a human high school. Really? but shouldn't she be with you?" I ask her. "The past is holding her back." She explains. "Well maybe something in the monster world will help her." I say. "Maybe." She says. it's then we notice we're still holding hands. We both blush. She rubs her neck. "So tell me about yourself." she says.

"What do you want to know?" I ask her. "Do you like Poetry?" She asks. "I hate it but I'm forced to write it since that's the only form of art we're allowed to write at home." I say "I write for fun. what to hear what I wrote?" She asks. "Sure." I say.

"Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice, from what I have tasted in desire, I would withhold those who favor fire. But if I had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to say destrustion ice is also great and would suffice." (this was actually writen by Angel-of-Heartbreak)

I'm not a fan of poetry but I actually liked this poem. "That was good and I'm not into poetry." I say. "Thank you." She says. "I know you want to hear about me but I don't have much to say other than that music is my life. I don't know anything else. my whole life I've been forced to be someone I'm not so I don't know much about myself." I explain to her. "Can you jump buildings?" She asks. "You kiddings? The rooftops is the pharaoh's road." I tell her. "Then let's see if you can keep up." she says.

She gets a running starts and jumps from roof to roof. I smile and easily catch up to her. I soon am even able to pass her. "hey!" She says while gigging "don't leave me in the dust!" She says. I then go over to her and pick her up bridal style and run with her like that. "How's this then?" I ask her. She blushes. "perfect." She says. I run to a place where I know that she'll have the perfect veiw of how beautiful Boo York is. She sees it and is amazed. "Woah." She says.

I put her down. "This is where I go if I need ideas for my music." I tell her. She closes her eyes and smiles. "I can see why. The beat of the city." She says. "most people call it noise. I call it music." I tell her. She opens her eyes and looks at me. "I hear it too and it's beautiful." She says. "That it is." I say. I look at her and see the wind moves her hair and she looks beautiful. "I haven't smiled this much in a long time." she says. "You should smile more often it makes you even prettyer than you already are." I tell her.

She blushes. "i'm plain not beautiful. My friends though they're beautiful." She tells me. "You're wrong I see a beautiful girl who makes beautiful music." I tell her. she scoffs a little. "I lost my passion along with my hope of finding my special someone a long time ago." She says. "You will. if you want to you could wish for your perfect someone under the light of the comet. it's happening tomorrow. the comet will fly right over Boo York." I explain. "i'll wish for my hands to be healed but finding that someone special is something that should happen with love not because I wished for it." She tells me. "You'll find someone I know you will." I tell her. She just nods.

"Serenity?" I ask. "Yes Pharaoh?" she asks back. "I know this is going to sound weird but what would you do if you fell in love with someone you just met?" I ask her. "I'd call that true love." she says. "true love? yea that seems like what happened." I say. "Aw. who do you like?" She asks. I look at her. "I'm looking at her." I say. She blushes and looks shocked. "I know it's crazy but it's true. I understand if you don't feel the same." I say.

She hugs me. "I was scared you didn't feel the same." She says. "I'd be a fool not to love you." I say. "you the most amazing person in the world." I tell her. I then hear the clock. "I better go. Mother would kill me if I'm late to a meeting she has with another family." I say. She kisses my cheek and gives me a book. "this is my song book think it as a gift from the heart." She says. I take her hand and kiss it. "until we see eachother again." I say then leave.

E: "ok so I ship Serenity x pharaoh now and Harmony x Clawdeen. they're cute ships! Please leave a comment i'd love to hear what you think! I hope you enjoyed!"

MADE ON 10/18/18

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