What he does for attention

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Harry : Kisses your cheek .

Ron:  Pokes your side

Draco:  He either takes away whatever you are distracted with and if it's a person he will drag you away from them .

Fred : Fred will tap your shoulder until you look at him .

George :George just kisses your lips even if you are in the middle of a conversation .

Oliver : Oliver will start playing with your hair if he wants you sometimes he plays with your hands it usually works .

Cedric : Cedric will pull your sleeve like a little kid .

Neville : Neville will usually wait till you aren't busy so he doesn't interrupt you.

Seamus : Seamus will blow something up if he can't get your attention .

Dean : Dean will just put his head on your shoulder and act all tired until you ask him if he's okay .

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