(older!) What He's Like When You're Pregnant

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Harry :
* panics at first because he was raised by Vernon and thought he might end up like him
* calms down after you reassure him
* starts to list things you guys need to buy
* thinks about what colour the nursery is going to be
* smiles whenever he sees your growing bump

Ron :
* is over the moon when you tell him
* wants it to be the first of many
* puts his hands on your belly before a bump even shows
* is really protective of you
* tells molly the day after he finds out

* similar to harry, worries that he won't be a good enough dad because he didn't have a good one himself
* buys you a nice present to celebrate you being pregnant
* kisses your belly all the time
* his hand falls to your belly when he's asleep
* is happy all the way through your pregnancy

Fred :
* starts bouncing around the room
* picks you up and spins you around before the bump shows
* thinks of hundreds of names before you know the gender of the baby
* comes with you to every appointment even if he has to take time away from the shop
* does pregnancy exercises with you to make you laugh

George :
* is so excited to be a dad
* starts buying baby things very early so he's 'prepared'
*makes sure you get lots of rest
* decorates the nursery the day you find out if it's a boy or a girl
* does baby yoga with you and falls over... Alot
* watched a birth video and fainted

Oliver :
* makes meals he looked up that supposedly help babies grow
* the beginning of the wood quidditch team
* can't stop looking up ways to keep you and the baby healthy
* really excited to see the baby
* panics when you have any pains and tries to help you

Cedric :
* faints when you tell him you're pregnant
* can't believe he's going to be a dad
* wants to be with you every minute of every day
* hasn't missed an appointment

Neville :
* cries when you tell him and can't stop kissing you
* " we're going to be amazing parents Y/N"
*foot rubs 
* "ooh what about a nature themed nursery, wait what plants are dangerous for babies, what if they're allergic to plants"
* you both go in to st mungos to tell his mum and dad

Seamus :
* " Was gonna happen at some point darlin" he says and winks
* makes sure you're always comfortable
* rubs little circles on your bump
* " our babies gonna grow up a heart breaker"

Dean :
* can't wait to let everyone know you are gonna become parents
* is really attentive
* paints the babies room himself
* " Dean, you're going to be a great dad, just like you're a great husband"

Bill :
* "Ooh well I can't wait to make more once this little one's out"
* Kisses you all over when you're feeling self conscious about the new stretch marks
* makes sure you've got everything you could ever need
* Massages your back
* loves to put his head on your belly and talk to the baby

Charlie :
* is shocked when you tell him you're pregnant " We used protection though, I mean I'm not complaining I've always wanted a mini me" Charlie said
* " Mums gonna have to knit another jumper"
* can't wait to see your baby and tracks your pregnancy
*is very caring
* runs your back and feet when they swell

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