How you sleep

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Harry : You two sleep in a tangled mess because you both move constantly.

Ron : Ron sleeps on his back and you sleep cuddled into his side with your head on his chest
Draco:  You spoon , Draco is the big spoon and you are the little spoon .

Fred : Fred sleeps on his stomach whist you sleep on your back with Fred's arm draped across your stomach .

George : You sleep facing each other but you sleep with your head underneath his chin and he rests his chin on you with both arms around each other .

Oliver : You cuddle but differently every night.

Cedric : Cedric sleeps on his back whilst you lie right on top of his chest .

Neville : Both you and Neville sleep on your backs but close together.

Seamus : You spoon but he is only holding you loosely .

Dean : You and Dean sleep differently each night depending on how tired you both are .

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