First Fight and makeup

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These aren't serious fights just little ones like what tv show you watch .

Harry : You and Harry's first fight was about him stealing your scarf and not giving it back , you didn't speak to him for a few minutes until he kissed your cheek and gave it back and bought you a chocolate frog and butter beer .

Ron : Your first fight was at breakfast one morning and Ron was stuffing his face like usual ." Ronald slow down you'll end up choking on your food !" Ron like always ignored your warning seconds later he choked on his toast and you muttered " I told you so !" .

Draco:  Draco kept taking your book away from you when you were reading in the library .  Suddenly you snapped at him " Draco I swear to god if you take my book once more I will not hesitate to shove your wand where the sun don't shine !" Let's just say you managed to finish your book peacefully.

Fred : Fred had just pranked you and you were chasing after him screaming . He stopped in his tracks and realised that he had really annoyed you , " Sorry princess me and Georgie had a bet to see who could prank someone first " Fred said apologetically.
"And I just happened to be the one you decide to prank ?"you ask
" Well  you are the only one who won't kill me for doing it " Fred answered truthfully
" Better be glad I love you Weasley" you said and he kissed the top of your head 

George : George stole your broom just before practice  , " GEORGE WEASLEY ,YOU BRING THAT BACK HERE NOW !!" You screamed at him getting angry as it was the last practice before the Gryffindor vs Slytherin game .
" Agh , okay ,okay , okay , just let go of my precious locks " he cried out right after you had grabbed a handful of his fiery red mop .

Oliver : Oliver had been working on quidditch plays for the last 2 weeks now and everytime you seen him he would stuff them in his pocket . " Do you really not trust me Oliver ?" You said as tears pricked your eyes .
" Oh no please don't cry , please , I can't show you them because it's a school rule love " Oliver said trying to stop you crying .
" How about this , we can go up to the astronomy tower and watch the stars and quidditch won't be mentioned " Oliver said and kissed your temple .
" Okay as long as you promise not to bring those plans out " you said sniffing slightly .
" I promise love " Oliver said before kissing your lips .

Cedric : " CEDRIC WHERE IS MY POTIONS NOTES ? " you shouted at him because they had suddenly disappeared and you had potions next .
" I dunno maybe if you kiss me I might reveal there location" he said
" You're lucky you're cute " you mumbled before kissing him .

Neville :  " Hey Nevi me and Luna are going up to the library want to come ?" You asked him as he was working in the greenhouse
"Nah I'm fine this seems more interesting " Neville said nonchalantly
" Oh okay " you said a little hurt
" Oh no darling I don't mean it like that it's just the library is always busy at this time and I really need to finish this for professor sprout, I promise I'll come tomorrow Neville said  
" Fine as long as you don't bring that plant with you !"

Seamus : " What have you done this time Seamus "you said walking into the hospital wing
" I thought I told you not to blow anything up " you said with a sigh
" I know , I know , don't bite my head off " Seamus said his accent thicker than usual this usually meant he was trying to get into your good books .
" I'm just glad you are okay !" You said pulling him into a hug .

Dean : Dean had been hanging round his friends more than you recently, it's not like you had to be together 24 / 7 it would just be nice to see him , instead of bringing it up you gave him the silent treatment for a day or two .
He took the hint and started hanging out with you a bit more .

Sorry these aren't very good I couldn't think of many little arguments .

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