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Harry : When there's a storm Harry takes no notice unless it's really bad then he will usually sit with you and talk about everything and nothing.

Ron : During thunderstorms Ron and you go down to the kitchen to get hot chocolate off the ever so lovely house elves and take snacks back up to the common room and laugh your way through the storm.

Draco: Draco doesn't like thunderstorms so to calm his neves you read to him and every so often stop to tell him you love him or to give him a quick kiss.

Fred : To cheer you up during thunder storms Fred will "frollic" around the common room in odd performences singing various songs in the completely wrong pitch and often sings the wrong words.

George : During storms you and Georgie sit in the common room cuddled together on one of the many couches and try and distract each other from the noise the storms creating outside.

Oliver : Oliver tends to worry about playing conditions and quidditch during storms but if it's particularly bad he will be more concerned about you and will try and comfort you when thunder crashes.

Cedric : During storms Ced likes to tickle you to make you forget about what is happening around you and let's you sleep in his dorm that night if it continues into the night.

Neville : Neither you or Neville like storms so you try and distract each other from the storm by playing games and wizard chess.

Seamus : The noise of thunder doesn't seam to bother Seamus until he sees your worried and anxious expression every time there's a thunder crash, he then attempts to distract you and if that doesn't work he will hold you and tell you everything is okay and that you are safe with him.

Dean: Dean likes thunderstorms and finds them interesting as he likes looking at the lightening. Once he drew the scene out side of the window and gave you it to remind you that lightening can be beautiful too.

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