Draco Imagine

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This was requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva
This will be told from Y/N's POV

I was sitting in the gryffindor common room just thinking of what happened last year. Draco, after years of picking on me apologised and confessed his feelings for me. He promised to make up for what he had done in the past.
That was the beginning of what became to be a beautiful secret relationship.
I knew I had to keep it a secret, my best friends are hermione, Ron and Harry and I knew that they would never approve of me and Draco.

Since beginning our sixth year at hogwarts we had been sneaking around and meeting in secret, spending time together in the Slytherin common very late at night.
I was sure the trio were getting suspicious of where I was going and why I was tired all the time.

A few days into term I was sitting next to the trio at breakfast when hermione asked me "Y/N what's happening you're always tired and sneaking off to places"
"It's nothing mione, I just like walking round the castle later at night, filch doesn't mind me because I treat Mrs norris kindly and give her treats" I lied trying to cover up.
She seemed to buy it so did Ron, Harry on the other hand seemed to be a little suspicious but didn't say anything.

That brings us to now, I was walking to meet Draco we were going to have a little date in an unused classroom that nobody ever goes into.
I suddenly heard some noise coming from the boys toilet and i went to see what it was. What I seen shocked me to my core, Draco lying bleeding on the floor with Harry standing not far away.
" What did you do?" I screamed at Harry tears streaming down my face " what have you done to him"
"Y/N I only did that because i thought he was treating you badly and forcing you into doing things you didn't want to do and I want you to be happy, with me " Harry said breathlessly almost whispering the end part looking anywhere apart from where I was.
" I love him Harry, JUST GET OUT, GET OUT!!" I screamed so loudly at him my voice begun to hurt.
Harry ran from the bathroom and professor snape entered just as he was leaving.
" Miss L/N please move away for a moment, I'm going to help him okay" this was the first time I had ever seen professor snape be somewhat nice to a gryffindor.

Snape took Draco into the hospital wing and I was following closely behind still crying.
Madame pomfrey looked over Draco, gave him a potion and whispered to Snape who then proceeding back out the hospital wing a moment later.
Madam pomfrey came over to me " He's going to be alright dear he just needs plenty of rest and will have to stay in here for the night." she said comfotimg me and giving a slight pity full smile.

I spent the night in the chair next to his bed and fell asleep holding his hand tightly.

I woke up in the morning to the sound of Draco's voice" Love could you let my hand go"
My head shot straight up and I froze, he was extremely pale and his lips were lost of colour.
He spoke again "Love, I have pins and needles in my fingers"
I looked down and let go of his hand.
I begun to cry as soon as my eyes met his again.
" Oh sweetheart come here" Draco pulled me onto the bed and hugged me. " Shh sh shhh, don't cry love I'm alright"
"If it weren't for me you wouldn't be in here, if I'd have told them that we were together maybe they'd understand " I managed to say sniffling.
" Love we decided together that we were going to keep our relationship private, if anything I should have never treated your friends the way I have been doing for the past 5 years" Draco said stroking my hair. " And you listen to me, we are going to get through this year together, no matter what happens we will get through it tother"
" I love you Draco, never forget that" I said looking up at him.
"I love you too Y/N and trust me I won't." he said and leaned down to kiss me soflty.

I hope this is what you had imagined when you requested it and I hope you like it.

Thanks for reading

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