Chapter Eight

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He pulled up the driveway of a cute house. She looked at him curiously. "My place," he answered and got out of the car. Dana followed.

"Colt, have you seen Danny?" a voice called from next door.

Colt looked at his house. "Just got home. The light's on. He must be inside. I'll send him home."

"Thanks," the woman answered.

"Who's Danny?" Dana asked him as they climbed up the stairs of a charming house. It was more 'Leave it to Beaver' than Colt James in Dana's mind.

"Neighbor's kid. Hangs out here sometimes," Colt answered, searching for his key on his keychain.

He opened the door. "Danny, you here?" Colt called.

"Yeah," came an answer from the depths of the house.

"You let Buddy out?" Colt asked, closing the door behind Dana.

"Yeah and fed him," the voice answered.

"You smoking?" Colt called, walking down the hall.

"No," was the reply.

Dana followed Colt through the foyer to an incredibly tidy living room. He definitely had the James neat freak gene.

The furniture was gray with gray matching pillows that were lined up neatly in a row across the back and at each arm.

Dark wood end tables were at each end of the couch with matching lamps. In front of the table was an empty coffee table.

A small dining room was behind it with a small round table with two chairs on either side. It didn't accommodate much for company, she thought.

Dana was certain all the furniture was handmade by Jesse. She knew his style very well and Colt's furniture was beautifully crafted. Jesse was extremely talented though he didn't think he was all that great, Dana knew he could make a killing at selling his work. Jesse had always told her it was just a hobby and he enjoyed making stuff for family and friends. It was rare for him to make something for anyone outside their circle.

Across the back of the room was a sliding glass door to the backyard.

There was a young blond boy, of maybe thirteen, sitting on the couch and playing a video game on a massive flat screen tv mounted on the far wall.

Dana wasn't surprised that Colt would splurge on such a large t.v. She could see him sitting in this room watching sports and playing video games.

"Hand them over," Colt demanded, outstretching his hand.

"Don't know what you're talking about, man," Danny answered, not looking away from the screen.

"I could smell it when I walked in. Hand them over or don't come back tomorrow," Colt said angrily.

"Jesus!" Danny snapped, throwing the game remote onto the couch. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

Colt grabbed them from him and studied the package. "These aren't mine."

"I don't steal from you," Danny said, sounding offended, and turned back to the game.

"These your mom's?"

"Yup," Danny answered easily.

"I thought you weren't going to do this anymore," Colt said annoyed.

"Yeah, well. They're addictive," Danny said with a slow smile.

"That's why you need to stop. Now."

"You smoke," Danny retorted.

"Yeah, and I'm trying to quit. Believe me, after twenty years of it, it's much harder to deal with," Colt answered firmly.

"You sound like my mom."

"Good. Now, get home and give these back to her," Colt ordered, shutting off the t.v.

"I'm not giving them back to her," Danny said in horror, looking at the pack Colt was holding out as if he was holding a loaded gun.

"If you don't, I will. And believe me, if it comes from me she'll be more upset than if you tell her."

Danny grabbed the pack and got up. He looked over Dana as he left the room.

"And if you don't..." Colt called to him.

"Yeah, yeah."

The front door slammed shut. Colt took the game remote and put it away in a cabinet.

"You handled that well," Dana told him sincerely.

"Yeah, well...he's a good kid. Just needs some direction."

Colt crossed the living room and opened a sliding glass door. Buddy came running in.

Buddy jumped up on her. "Hi, sweetie."

"Down, Buddy," Colt ordered and Buddy got down.

"Oh, it's okay," Dana said, bending over to pet the dog.

Colt cleared his throat. Dana's position gave him a clear view straight down her sundress from breasts to navel. He turned and shut the glass door, taking several deep breaths.

"I just came to let Buddy out, but Danny already took care of that."

"It's okay," she replied and straightened up.

Thank God.

"Uh, do you want some coffee or something?" Colt asked, walking towards the kitchen.

"Uh, no thanks. It's getting late," Dana said, feeling overwhelmed by all of his niceness that day. She was exhausted keeping up.

Colt changed directions. "Okay. I'll take you home then." He headed back towards the front door, patting Buddy's head on the way out.

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