Chapter 2.1: Going Back to the Beginning (Lust's Version)

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*Lust's POV*

     Hi!! I'm Lust!! I'm a skeleton who lives in an AU called UnderLust!! Life here is great!!!........

     What am I saying?!
     Life here is HORRIBLE!!!

     I'm the only monster here who doesn't...... 'accept' for who I am. And I'm the only Sans in the ENTIRE multiverse that's called a 'slut', being avoided, and being treated wrongly. I wish I could just change.... I wish that I could just go to another universe and change.... But everyone told me that I should embrace my inner being....... *Sigh*...... Don't get me wrong, I still love my AU especially my brother Papyrus, he always accept for what he is and what he has..... While I'm just the opposite.... I love my AU cause of the food. The food in my universe tastes AMAZING!!!!! And I really fit in very well with my clothes: a bright purple sleeveless jacket, with neon blue fluff on the hoodie and at the bottom of the trim on my jacket, black jeans with a neon blue belt, a black crop-top with a neon blue heart, and neon blue boots. I am also known as 'THE MOST POPULAR MONSTER IN THE UNDERGROUND'!!! UGGGHHHHHH!!! How I hate that title. But I also like it here coz of my job..... I mean, my OTHER job.... Not the job that makes me a stripper. My other job is being the royal judge of King Asgore. But I like both jobs as well coz they give me enough money to pay the bills in my house. *Sigh*..... I just wanted a change in life..... But..... I know that there is no hope in changing...... Soo.... What's the point in trying?....... *Cries* Even my clothes make me a slut!! Heh........ I really AM a slut.... *Sniff* welp... That's how life is for me.....

     One day, while I was on my job at the judgement hall, I check on the time in my phone."Huh..... Welp..... Time for another break!!".Actually my job is very boring. All I have to do is to just stand here and wait for a human so that I could fuck it... *Sigh*.... Welp... Time for my break then!!! I wanted to teleport to Outertale. Outertale is the best place where you could have a picnic under the stars, star gazing, and even to think. I usually go there to think. And then I go back to UnderLust as soon as possible coz I know I'm not wanted anywhere except my AU. Even Error wants to destroy me and my AU!!! *Sigh*.... I teleported and not thinking of where I am going. When I got there....... I am NOT in Outertale.... "Where am I?" I asked myself. This AU looks more like Horrortale but the only problem is that...... This AU...... Is full of..... dust? "What. The. Hell?". I tried to teleport back but I need more time to regain my magic. I looked around in what seems like snowdin. The snow was covered in dust, blood, and broken peices bone everywhere. It looks like it came from a murderer mystery and a horror film..... I love those kinds of movies!!! I soon noticed a rundown bar that looks like Grillby's. I went inside the bar and I saw Grillby. "Hmm... You're not from here... Are you?" Grillby asked. "No. I'm not" I responded. I looked around the bar and I only saw dust on the floor, seats, and tables, and dried blood on the walls. I even saw other monsters hiding in the kitchen and under the tables. They were all looking at me. They look..... Scared? "They all thought you were that kind of 'monster' coz you kinda look like him.... Just in different clothing...". Grillby said as if he read my mind. "What happened here?" I asked in curiosity. "*Sigh*..... Sans became...... Crazy..... He killed the star of the underground, a scientist, a former queen, a king, a hero,...... And his own brother........ He gained more LV....... Kill after kill...... Day after day..... He made the whole underground as his blood farm..... He killed innocent monsters everyday.... So.... I took them in and hid them", Grillby explained. Wait... So the Sans in this universe.... KILLED his own brother? What kind of monster does that?! "Are you hungry? Do you want some water?" Grillby asked. "Ummm.... I just want a tall glass of sparkly water", I requested. He went to the kitchen and came back with my request. "Thank you" I said receiving a 'your welcome' gesture from him. After a while, I heard footsteps outside and a knock on the door. "Hide..." Grillby whispered  to me. "Uhhh.... What?" I asked. "Hide... HE's coming.... I'll tell everything to you when HE is gone..." Grillby whispered. I.... Have.... NO.....Idea what he was saying. But I just do what he says and hide under the counter next to Grillby and I made sure that I wasn't visible. The door opened revealing a skeleton like me but a little taller. He wore a dark blue jacket, like the original Sans's jacket but it's darker, the original San's short's. I noticed from him is that he always has his hoodie on. His clothes are covered in dust and dried blood, though I couldn't really see his face, and...... He was carrying a bloodied knife in his hands!!! My eye sockets widen as I saw the knife and his clothes. Is HE the 'monster' that they were talking about?.....

(Yey!!! Mah first chapter!!!... I'm so happy!!! :'D{ welp... Wish me luck again.... -3-)

                      __Night out!!!~

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