Chapter 10: Love at First Touch

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*Dust's POV*

  After Lust told me about her backstory, I felt bad for her... I never actually felt this feeling around anyone before... But... I couldn't help it... She was helpless...

I turned to her, and I could see her looking at the ground with her eyelights (pinpricks) are gone... Her eyes were lifeless... Like a blank void...

"I... I'm sorry..." I apologized. It looks like I snapped her out from her thoughts "I... It's ok..." She said turning to me, her eyelights were back but looked lifeless. She gave me a fake smile reassuring me she was ok. I could tell that she was crying because I could see purple tears in the corner of her eyes.

I know that since I am a killer, I shouldn't care... But... I couldn't bare seeing her like this... Without any hesitation, I hugged tightly as if my life depended on it. I could tell she was shocked of my sudden action, but she hugged back anyways. Then, she broke down crying onto my shoulder while I tried to comfort her.

"I... Never... *sniffs* asked... For this... *cries*" she cried out onto my shoulder. "Shh... It's ok... I understand..." I tried to comfort her. Thankfully, she calmed down.

*Lust's POV*

  His voice is very soothing and it calmed me down. I can feel him smile a bit and I smiled back.

I then realized that we were hugging. I blushed madly and shoved him off. He gave me a questioning look and then he realized as well and started to blush too. He tried to cover his face with his hoodie but fails miserably. I laughed my ass off at this!

"Adorable..." I heard him say. My blush became opaque and I think he noticed me... Shit!!! "Heh... Plum..." I heard him say again. Oh... My... God!!! I'm going to FUCKING KILL HIM IF SAYS THAT AGAIN!!! But then I wouldn't like to do that... And... I don't know why!

Then we started talking again and having a little 'pun-off'. He started joking around, while I laughed again. I have to admit his puns were pretty funny.

*Time skip to a few hours later*

We were talking and laughing for hours already yet, I still can't stop laughing! His puns are making me crack-up!

But sadly, this had to end...

I looked at the time and it was 10:35 am?!?!? WHAT?!? WE HAVE BEEN HERE THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT?! "SHIT!!!" I suddenly screamed out loud. "What? What's wrong?" He asked. "IT'S 10:35!!! WE HAVE BEEN HERE ALL NIGHT!!! MY BROTHER IS GOING TO BE PISSED IF I DON'T GO HOME!!!" I yelled while panicking as I looked for my phone.

"Where's my phone?! SHIT!!! WHERE IS MY PHONE?!" I yelled out panicking more. "Pfft-!!! Calm down! It's right here. It must've fallen out of your pocket while you were laughing so hard" he said while giggling a little bit.

"Heh... Thanks" I said. "Oh. Here I'll get it for you" he said. Just as I were about to grab my phone, his hand was on top of mine and he accidentally held it. I noticed this and I looked away, blushing madly again. He noticed this and put his hand under my chin making me look at him. We were staring at each other's eyes. I didn't notice he was inching closer and closer to me until, he face was a centimeter away from mine and I could feel his hot breath on my mouth.

SHIT!!! IS HE GOING TO KISS ME?! OMG!!! THIS HAPPENING TOO SOON!!! I mentally screamed in my head as I closed my eyes, knowing what will happen next. Then...

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