Ending The Year with a Bang! {New Year Special}

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*3rd Person POV*

  "umm... Guys, where's the confetti?" Lust asked from atop of a ladder.

"They're on the couch hun" her husband, Dust said while putting some snacks on the dining table

The skeletons and their new 'friends' were decorating, baking, and preparing for this new year.

Some fireworks prepared outside, some Sparkle sticks (y'know, those sticks that look like long candles, kinda like tiny fireworks on a stick, or whatever you call them), snacks sprawled on the big and neat table, some cheap booze and bottles of wine in an ice bucket that was laid under the table, and a medium sized alarm clock hanging on the wall.

"who knew celebrating new year would be such fun and exciting!" Charlie exclaimed happily while setting a bowl of pudding on the tabel.

"all we have back at Hell is just blood, dead bodies, and shit on the streets while people are just screaming, running, and hiding for their lives" Vaggie explained plainly.

"well, here is different! Instead of 'screaming and running', we cheer, laugh, and celebrate for a new beginning!" the innocent Blue said.

Just then, the doors of the studio burst open, (yep. Forgot to mention that they're celebrating New Year in the studio. So I'm just putting it here) revealing a short statured girl.

She looked around amazed. "Great work guys! I was just thinking of a simple celebration, but this works too" she said, her accent seeping through.

"it was the kids' ideas" Dust said, pointing to a bunch of kids giggling and making what seems to be a banner using some paints and a bucket of glitter.

"What can ya say? A kid's imagination is endless" Ink stated, helping the kids with their little project.

"The turkey's ready!" boomed a radio-like voice from the kitchen.

Alastor suddenly appeared with a big and delicious looking turkey in hand, while the others were just drooling (NOT in a kinky way -__- Imma save that for later)

"Woah. Never knew you could make something other than Venison" Vaggie admitted.

"I could ALSO make Jambalaya!" he exclaimed while walking to the dining table and setting the turkey in the center.

"hm. Never tasted that before" The girl with the accent said.

"What?" aksed the others in shock.

"Ya NeVeR tAsTeD jAmBaLaYa BeFoRe TrAcEr?" Error mused. "Oh YoU uNcUlTuReD sWiNe~"

"I was raised in a different counrty ya know..." The girl said to him with a glare. "And it's TRACEY! (*ahem* me *ahem* *cough cough*) Not Tracer!"

"AlRiGhT... pFfT... TrAcEr"


"o-ok guys, no need to quarrel about this. This is just a simple thing. Come on guys, it's New Year! We should all be happy!" Charlie said trying to break the tension.

"Charlie's right" Angel Dust shrugged while sucking on a popsicle.

"well don't worry! I'll make some for all of us!" Alastor exclaimed while heading back to the kitchen. "My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for Jambalaya! In fact, it nearly killed her! You can say the kick was right out of Hell! Ohoho! I'm on a roll!" (Can anybody tell me if this is familiar to you~ *insert smug face*) He mused to himself while the others just looked at him as if he was going insane again.

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