Chapter Twelve: A Birthday Shopping Pt 1

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Hazel's POV:

The winter break is coming soon.

If the breaks keep coming this fast, I won't be able to have time to tell him that I like him. Soon it'll be spring, then before you know it, summer will come in a blink of an eye. I have been delayed two months by that she-devil, and the break is quite long. I don't even see him during the breaks, he hangs out with his group, and I hang out with Amber. Maybe I can change that this winter. I could ask him to come to the Cafe, we could hang out. Maybe invite him to Christmas and New Years too, just to see him, possibly make our bond stronger. Hopefully he realizes that I want to see only him. Just me and him, like back in intermediate or elementary. But back then, our relationship was so simple. Now my life is filled with complexities.

Love, hate, joy, sadness, hurt, comfort, broken and beating hearts. Why is life like this? Helping others leads to stronger connections. Such connections bring such curiosity into the world. Hope, is something that we don't deserve. we can't have hope in our lives, for it can only bring us down, it will only hurt us more when we find out the devastating results. But when there's nothing else, hope is all that you have. But what happens when that hope it obliterated? How do you find the will to keep moving forward? How do you just get up and keep going? No idea, no clue, but hopefully, I won't end up in that state of desperateness.

Speaking if breaks and holidays, his birthday is coming up soon. I wonder what to get him, maybe I should confess as his present...nah too cliche. But I should do it soon, that way I can have a reason to hang around him longer. But if I do confess, will he pretend it's a joke? Or will he say sorry because he doesn't like me? Or will he ask me out, saying that he's always longed to hear those words from me? All of the different scenarios rush through my head, causing a bit of a migraine. In all seriousness, even if I was to confess to him, I have to at least get him a present. Last year I gave him a matching necklace to mine, silver star on a gold chain. I should get him a flannel, he's always loved those. Or should I get him a new phone case? Maybe a new piano song? This is so frustrating, I think as I fall onto my bed in exhaustion.

I wonder what he wants for his birthday, I should call him up, I think silently reaching for my phone. Just a few inches from my phone, I stop, what if he's busy? I don't want to be bothering him, that's just so selfish, I mean I can always ask some other time. I nod quietly, turning away from the mobile device. I turn my head, but I really want to know, if I don't, I won't be able to get him a good present. If I don't, I might get him the same present as someone else. I can't let that happen, maybe I should just invite him to come to the mall with me. But that would be so embarrassing, I wouldn't be able to stop blushing. Uwahhhh, who knew such little things in life could be so complicated! No, I think, grabbing my phone, I must let go of my pride so I can get him an amazing present.

I unlock my phone, scrolling down to his contact. For a moment, I hesitate, wondering if I should really be doing this. Yes, this is your chance, you need to grab it now. You're right stupid voice, this is my chance. Quickly, I press the call button, before I can shy away from this golden opportunity.

Ring, ring, ring.


Dylan's POV:

Ring, ring, ring.

Scratching my head, I swipe my phone off of the dresser to see who's calling. I pop into a sitting position on my bed when I see what the Caller ID shows, Hazel.

What's she calling me for? Not that it's bad or anything, I mean I'm actually pretty happy about it. I haven't really talked to her in a while, it would be nice to hear her voice again.

"Hello?" I say clearing my throat.

"Hey Dylan," she answers, "it's Hazel."

"Oh," I reply as if I didn't know, "what's up?"

"I was just wondering," she begins, nervousness in her voice,"if you would like to go to the mall with me today."

I smile, I can just see her fiddling with her necklace and blushing her perfect blush. "Yeah sure," I answer, "when do you want me to pick you up?"

"Um, in 30 minuets or so?"

"No prob," I say, sighing with satisfaction.

"Okay," she replies in a shaky voice, "see you soon."

"Okay," I answer, ending the call first.

Feeling refreshed, I jump out of bed and choose an outfit for today. After tossing a few clothes here and there, I look into the mirror satisfied with my choice. I chose a plain black t-shirt with a red and black plaid flannel, paired with plain jeans, and my marked up Vans as a little touch up. The only thing that still needs to be fixed is my hair, for real, why does it always mess up on important days? I mean really, I just ask for you to be perfect on certain days, but you can't even do that. God, how irritating, just for today, really, just one freaking day, that's all I ask.

Ruffling my hair a bunch of times as I walk to the car, I realize that I forgot my necklace. Quickly I toss some of my stuff into the car and race back to the house. I fumble with the keys and the door, rushing toward my room. I breathe a deep sigh if relief when I see it laying on my dresser. Quickly I snap it on, already starting to head for the door. if I don't leave now, I might be late. Hopping into the car, I start it's engine. I let the sound of the engine fill my head with its comforting purr, then I let out of the driveway, and start to head over to Hazel.


Hazel's POV:

Oh god, someone help me.

Dylan's going to be here in less than 15 minuets and I'm still not ready. First of all I need an outfit, then I need some cash, after that a nice bag, finally some confidence wouldn't kill me right? One thing at a time Hazel, I think quietly. The outfit, something I haven't worn in a while, my blue and black flannel I guess. God I hope he's not wearing anything like me, well too late now. Jeans and my marked up Converse, to complete the look of me. Okay, next is the cash, I have some money saved plus the money that I was given when my grandparents visited, that should cover it. After that, a nice bag? Is that really necessary? Really? Fine, I'll just use my black purse, nothing too fancy, nor too plain, just like me. Finally, some confidence, Ha, that's funny. There's no way I'll ever gather confidence, not now, not ever. The only time I will ever be able to, is when I confess to Dylan. That's what I'm saving all of these important moments for, I don't need it now more than I'll need it then. Wow, what a lame excuse, add that to the list of stupidity. Shut up stupid voice, you're not helping the situation at hand.

Oh my god, 5 minuets until he's here, and Dylan's always early, so that means... shit! He's here already!!!I carefully pull back the over-flowered printed curtain, and I automatically spot his shining red Mustang. Oh my god, someone kill me now, please.

It's not the fact that he's early, but he's wearing a black and red flannel, like me, jeans, like me, and he's leaning against his car with his marked up Vans, just. like. me. It's too late though, I can't change back I already tried to find something that he wouldn't really wear with me. I tried so hard and yet, there he is, outside of my house, with an identical outfit to mine.

It's fine, it's fine. I tell myself, as I put on my gold star, silver chain necklace, I have five minutes, which is just enough time to grab earrings. Huh, I haven't worn earrings in months, it will be a surprise to Dylan. I'll wear stars that match my necklace, just for the occasion, I say to myself as I walk down the stairs toward the door.

Locking the door behind me, I turn and see the sight of him just waiting for me, which sets off a million butterflies that have been waiting for months. I'm still amazed at how I can see him so often, but still get butterflies. I start a slow walk toward him, as he opens the door to what could be desire or despair.

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