Chapter thirteen: A Bond Stronger than Blood

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-The top of Wall Rose, 15 minutes later-

Asura had his gaze fixated on the field that had become the result of essentially a titan brawl. He was angry, angry at Reiner, angry at Bertoldt. And angry at himself for letting them get away with Eren. (Dammit, if I was just a second faster, Eren would still be with us!) He thought, he then sighed. (No Asura, you're not doing that to yourself again. Yes, Eren's gone, but he's not out of reach yet. Reiner can only maintain his titan form for 15 minutes, he'll need to rest soon. So for now, take out your journal and write or draw something.) With his mind made up, Asura sat down and reached into his shirt pocket. Pulling out a leather bound journal, he opened it and took out a pen. (God, it's certainly been awhile since I did anything with this.) He reminisced, he then began drawing something that came to his mind.

-A few minutes later-

Mikasa spotted Asura sitting on the Wall and drawing-at least she assumed he was drawing-something in a journal. As she got close, she saw her, Asura, and the rest of their friends standing together during the graduation ceremony during their time as cadets. She smiled at the memory. "Hey, Mikasa. You're looming over me." Asura said, Mikasa jumped back. "Sorry." She apologized, Asura chuckled. "It's fine. Feels like graduation happened yesterday, doesn't it?" He said, Mikasa nodded, even though they had graduated a month ago, it still felt recent. "You've got great attention to detail, you ever consider becoming an artist?" Mikasa asked, "I wish! But, some things are meant to be dreams." Asura laughed, "I do this as a calming activity, it helps me cool down. I'm admittedly incredibly hard on myself when I screw up, or let someone die without knowing. I got this to calm myself, I draw or write in it to help myself out." Mikasa noticed a picture of a 50 meter tall female titan, standing over a human settlement. Around it were other titans of the same height. "What's this picture supposed to be?" Mikasa asked curiously, Asura looked at the one thing that he could never figure out what it was, or why he drew it. "I honestly couldn't tell you. Even though it's been years since I drew this. It remains a mystery to me." He admitted, he then heard footsteps behind them, and saw Hannes looking at the two, Armin standing beside him. "Hannes, Armin." Asura said, he then closed his journal, and stood up, Mikasa following. Hannes handed the three of them a protein stick, before biting down on one he kept for himself. Asura looked at his. "It feels like a lifetime ago that the titans weren't in our Walls. It was much simpler then." Hannes said, Asura chuckled. "Yeah, we still acted like carefree kids. And you were the resident drunk. Running around, drinking on the job. I do miss those days." He added, "But like all things, everything changed when the Wall fell. But, what can we do, but carry on. Heh. It's funny, I was happy being a kid for a change. I haven't been one since I was five years old." "You know Asura, you and Eren always seem to get along. But I'll be honest, you seemed happiest around him, Mikasa. I wish we could go back to the simple times back then. Back to me being a drunken fool. But that's not going to happen. But that's why, we're going to rescue Eren." Hannes said determination burning in his eyes. Asura, Mikasa, and Armin all bit down on their protein sticks and nodded. "Damn straight. But if you get to that bar before us, Hannes. Save us all a seat." Asura said, Hannes nodded. "Drinks will be on me!" He replied, "Then it's settled." Asura proclaimed before standing up, he then walked towards Hange and Erwin with his three compatriots in tow. "Let's get Eren back!"

- Near the Forest of Giant Trees, 7:00 PM-

Asura and the Scout Regiment were heading to the small Forest of Giant Trees, Asura was moving to Erwin's side. After awhile, the group stopped. Asura then rode ahead, to get a better view. "Asura! What can you see?" Erwin asked, Asura focused his vision, seeing the Forest straight ahead. Deeper in, he saw Reiner, Bertoldt, and Eren. "I was right, Commander, the Colossal and Armored titans are in the forest. And Eren's with them. Looks like they're getting ready to move." Asura reported, Mikasa rode up beside Asura, who turned to look at her. "Hey, listen. Please don't go rushing blindly after them, Mikasa. We need a plan." Asura said, Mikasa turned to look at Asura and smiled. "I know. I trust you, Asura. After all, you're one of the most composed person I know, and the smartest." She said, "Another reason I fell for you." Asura chuckled. (Oh, Mikasa... I'm not as calm as you might think. I pray that you never see me when my rage breaks free.) He thought, he then turned to the other Scouts. "Okay, listen up. Here's the plan."

-One minute later-

Asura and the Scouts were riding full speed towards the titan infested Forest of Giant Trees. Asura was leading the charge. "Alright, from here we split off into two groups just like we talked about!" He yelled,

-A few minutes earlier-

"So, what's the plan Vice-Captain?" Levi asked, "Well, we know that Reiner and Bertoldt are holding Eren prisoner. But it's not those two I'm worried about. It's the titans surrounding them." Asura answered, "So, how do we handle them?" Jean asked, Asura then started drawing on the map. "By splitting our forces into two groups. One group; the ones responsible for retrieving Eren, will go after Reiner and Bertoldt. While the other group; the diversion team, will distract and keep the titans away from the rescue team."

-Back in the present-

"Alright, commence the operation!" Asura yelled, the Scouts then split off, half of them ran straight into the Forest, while the other half rode towards the titans. Asura rode at the head of the Rescue team. "Remember to use signal flares! We can't afford to fail here! He called out, the Rescue team yelled out understood, and pressed on. "The teams will be led by people I picked myself. The diversion team will be led by Commander Erwin, Levi, and Vice-Commander Hange. While the Rescue Team will be led by Jean, Armin, and myself." Asura said, "What if Reiner transforms during the mission?" Armin asked, Asura smirked. "You leave Reiner to me." He said, Asura saw Reiner and Bertoldt moving through the trees using their ODM gears. Asura motioned to the Scouts behind him, along with Hannes, Mikasa, Jean, and Armin that they were above them. As he looked at Reiner, he noticed Eren, bound gagged and very much unconscious. (Eren must've lost his arms when they captured him. And when he wouldn't go with them willingly, Reiner knocked him out. Typical of the muscle head.) Asura thought, "Everyone stay on your horses! We're coming up on the edge of the forest!" He yelled out behind him, sure enough, they all exited the forest and Reiner then transformed. Running full speed and barreling through any titans that were in his way. "Oh, no you don't Braun!" Asura yelled, he then jumped off Mirrah and transformed into the Metal titan. Charging after Reiner and gaining on him. Bertoldt looked behind the two and saw Asura charging after them. "Reiner! Behind us!" He yelled at Reiner, Asura just glared at him. (Fucking tattletail...) He thought, Asura then punched Reiner in the face, and then grabbed Eren when he was flung out of Reiner's hand. He then placed Eren on his shoulder, and locked hands with Reiner. Asura's torso started glowing red, before it moved up to neck. Asura then threw his mouth open and let loose a torrent of flames directly into Reiner's face. The Armored titan reeled from the sudden fire breath to the face, but soon shrugged it off. Asura then changed into his fighting stance, and Reiner growled. When he and Zeke fought Asura 8 years ago, he was predictable. Now though, the stance he was in, showed discipline. (Asura. I knew you got better, but I didn't think you get this good.) Reiner thought, (I don't think we can beat him, even with Zeke's help.) "Not gonna come at me? Then in that case..." Asura said while picking up a stone, his arm then started glowing, causing the rock to catch fire. "HERE, CATCH ASSHOLE!" Asura roared,

And here's a cliffhanger. Sorry for the delay, I've been all over the place and I've hardly had time to write. So, here's what I'm gonna do. From this point on, I will publish a chapter every Monday or Saturday. I'm gonna try my ass off, to stick to this schedule. But as always, comment, rate, and leave advise so I can improve. Next time, Asura defends Eren and Mikasa, but first, I've had a Soul Eater OC I've been wanting to make. Prepare to meet Wraith and Banshee!

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