Chapter nine: Asura vs Zeke, the sins of the father

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Asura stood his ground, waiting for Zeke to make the first move. Incidentally, Zeke was doing the same thing. "One of us will have to make the first move, Zeke. Otherwise this staring contest won't end." Asura said bluntly, Zeke growled. "You could've ruled at my side, Asura. The whole world would've bowed to you." He said, "I've no interest in ruling a world." Asura said calmly, "Especially not as a tyrant. Besides, I never liked killing humans. Now, enough talk." Asura put his other hand on the handle of the blade he created. "If you won't make the first move. Then I will!" With that, he charged at Zeke. The Beast titan had to dodge the strikes the Metal titan sent his way. Thanks to him getting his memory back, he also got his old tricks back as well. Zeke then grabbed a sizeable boulder and jumped back. Before throwing it with enough force to turn the piece of earth into a hailstorm of rock shards. Asura then lifted his left arm and created a shield from it. He then put it in front of him, the shards colliding with his shield and shattered. "You'll have to do better than that, old man." Asura said, Zeke growled then charged Asura. Pounding on the Metal titan's shield, with little to no effect. Asura then grew spikes from his shield, which nicked Zeke in some pretty important places. The Beast titan stumbled backwards. "Reiner isn't here to help you this time." Asura growled, Zeke then let out a howl. The titans around the two then went to attack Asura. Asura's body then started heating up before he breathed fire in a cone in front of him. Zeke dodged the inferno. But the titans behind him weren't so lucky. The whole column was incinerated in seconds. Asura then spun around and decapitated five titans behind him from the nape. He then felt something small on his neck, by his relatively exposed nape. On instinct he grew spikes around his nape to drive his attacker back. Zeke jumped back when he saw the spikes shoot towards him. He growled. "Tsk, I can't believe I forgot about that." He monologued, "His entire body is his armor and weapon. His metal skin is strong enough to render him immune to blunt force trauma, but malleable enough to be used to create weapons. Because of this, his body generates an enormous amount of heat. Allowing him to breath fire. I won't be able to defeat him myself. When they meet, I'm sure Reiner will be able to defeat him." Zeke then transformed into the Beast titan, and turned to face Asura. "Asura, you win this round. But the next time we meet, you will not be so fortunate." He declared, Asura just gave a short chuckle. "Next time we meet, you'll be six feet underground. So go ahead, send Reiner and Bertoldt my way. I'll bury them, and then I'll bury you...father." Asura said dangerously, Zeke then ordered his titans to hold Asura back, while he escaped. Asura put his sword away as he started punching the titans that were surrounding him. Eventually they all piled on top of Asura, who had finally had enough and started glowing. Heat continued to build up until the Metal titan let out a huge explosion that incinerated the titans on top of him. Before falling to his knees and collapsing. Asura then appeared out of his titan form and stood up. Panting from the exertion. (Damn, I forgot how much that blast takes out of me.) He thought, (In any case, I should get back. Those three are probably worried sick about me. Especially Mikasa.) With that, he let out a whistle. After a few seconds, Mirrah came galloping out to greet her rider. "I'm glad you're still alive my friend. Now, let's head back. Everyone's waiting for us." Asura said,

And after a long hiatus, I'm back! Again, I apologize for the delay. I hit writer's block for a few days. But as always, comment, rate, and leave advice so I can improve. Next time, Asura tells the others about Riener and Bertoldt identifying them as the Colossal and Armored titans!

(All credit for the songs used in this and other future chapters goes to Falkkone)

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