Chapter five: learning secrets and the Female titan

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-Some time later-

"Are the irons really necessary?" Asura asked, after he had sealed the hole in the Trost Wall, he was immediately surrounded by MP officers and slapped in irons. Despite the protests of the many cadets who saw his transformation and saw him save many lives. Asura didn't blame the lot for being afraid of him, he would be too. A nigh unstoppable force of nature with a metal covered form, anyone would be soiling themselves in terror. "Shut up, monster." One of the soldiers barked at him, Asura rolled his eyes. "Look, I sealed the breach, killed the titans attacking Trost, and saved a lot of lives. So lay off would ya?" He said calmly, "You're just trying to lead us to our deaths!" Another yelled, Asura looked at him with as much emotion as Mikasa...almost none. "If I wanted to kill you..." He said lowly, "I would've let the titans eat you instead of kill them." The group's commanding officer was loathed to admit it, but Asura had them beat there. "And, what's to stop you from killing us later?" He asked, "An oath I made five years ago." Asura clarified, "That I would be humanity's protector, not it's destroyer. That's why I'm on your side, I've no love for the titans, Eren hates 'em almost as much as I do." The commander then unclasped the iron shackles that held Asura's wrists together. "You've convinced me." He said, "Commander Erwin's waiting for you and Yeager inside." Asura nodded, then headed inside. There Eren sat holding his jaw. "Wow look like shit." He stated, "Asura! Why are you here!?" Eren asked surprised, "Same reason you were. We're both Titan Shifters." Asura answered, he then caught a blow intended for his face. The owner of the fist was wide-eyed. "Next time, think before you act." Asura said dangerously, "Levi, that's enough." Erwin said, Levi scoffed before obeying. "Rekai sa reta (Understood)." He said, Asura rolled his eyes. (I don't like him already.) He thought, "So, I hear you're taking me and Eren to your HQ." He asked Erwin, the Scout commander nodded. "And you must be the Metal titan. We've heard quite a lot about you." Erwin said, Asura nodded. "So I hear, word that Wall Rose was saved apparently travels fast." He stated, "At any rate, Let's talk. I'm sure you're curious about me." Erwin chuckled. " What gave us away?" He asked, Asura's expression deadpanned. "Your colleague hasn't taken her eyes off me for some time, it's annoying." He said, "Anyway, I'll...tell you what I can remember. As you know, I have amnesia." "I see, then please, take your time." Erwin said politely, Asura chuckled. "You humans are such strange creatures. You're capable of great cruelty as well as kindness. I honestly admire that." He said, (Warning: the next few sentences contain spoilers from the manga, skip ahead if you don't want to have it spoiled. Consider yourselves warned.) Asura took a deep breath. "Where to begin...I guess we'll start with the Titan Shifters. For starters, we're individuals who can transform into a titan at will. You know about me and Eren, we're on humanity's side. But the others, well." Hanji had an unnerving gleam in her eyes. "Should I be worried?" Asura asked, Erwin shook his head. "Are there as many Titan Shifters as there are titans?" He asked, Asura shook his head. "No, there can only be nine Shifters at any given time, and I know of four more besides Eren. At least I...think I do." Asura then winced as a memory flash flooded his vision. "Shut the hell up, Zeke!" Asura snapped back to reality. "One of their names is Zeke, I remember that much." He said shakily "As for the other three...their names will probably come to me, given time." Levi stepped forward and got into Asura's face. He then grabbed him by his shirt. "What does this Zeke's titan form look like?" He asked threatningly, Asura grabbed the captain's wrist and squeezed just hard enough to cause Levi to let go. "One: don't get in my face." He said lowly, "Two: don't you ever touch me again." Eren looked like he'd seen a ghost, he remembered when Reiner did this exact same thing. He ended up bedridden for almost a year. "Now, as to your question...Levi, was it?" Asura asked casually, "Captain Levi, respect your superiors brat." Levi spat, Asura clenched his teeth. "You call me 'brat' again, I'm gonna break your fucking jaw. Let's make one thing clear, cleanfreak. My respect has to be earned, it's not given." Asura said dangerously, "Now, Zeke's titan form is 16 or 17 meters tall, I don't exactly remember. He's known as the Beast titan. For reasons you'll learn when you see him." Erwin and Hanji were impressed that a cadet was brave enough to speak his mind to Levi. Hanji noted the welcoming yet frightening attitude that Asura had. "I've told you all I know for now. If I remember anything else, you'll be the first to know, Commander." Asura said, "So, when do we start?"

-Timeskip to the expedition.-

"Yo, Mina! Look out for Eren, alright!?" Asura called out, "Sure thing!" Mina replied, the Scouts then split up. Asura for reasons unknown to him for now, seemed to know his way around a horse. Mirrah, was his horse's name. She was a war horse, the last of her breed. Her fur was jet black with a black mane with white markings. Asura looked around and spotted a Crawler. "Crawler on our left! Scatter, don't let it grab you!" He ordered, his party did so, Asura lept into the air, and fired his hooks at the Crawler, the cables pierced the creature's skin as Asura cut it's nape. "Mirrah!" He called, Mirrah responded and Asura landed on her saddle feet first. "Alright, let's keep moving!" He said, the others nodded and Mikasa rode up alongside Asura. "Are you alright?" She asked, Asura looked at his shoulder and shrugged. "Eh, it's just a scratch. No big deal." He assured her, the injury healed quickly, and Mikasa smiled. Asura turned to the sky...And saw a black flare. "Shit, Abnormal ahead!" He yelled, said Abnormal appeared, and Asura's eyes widened. "TITAN SHIFTER! MOVE!" Asura screamed, his squad did so. "Keep going! I'll hold her off!" Mikasa nodded. And she and the rest of the group made their escape. "Hey! Ugly!" Asura taunted, the Female titan looked at Asura. "You want me!" The Female titan charged at Asura, but he dodged by ducking a slap from her. (Fuck, that was way too close.) Asura thought, (Her form looks familiar, but where have I seen it befo-) his thoughts were cut short by a memory flash. He saw a destroyed village, dead humans, and standing in the center of it all, were three titans, the Collosal titan, the Armored titan. And the Female titan. He barely caught it, but he heard their names. Reiner, Bertoldt, and Annie. The flash ended and Asura's gaze hardened. "Mirrah, pull back." He said, Mirrah snorted as Asura launched a flashbang and a sound bomb, the two exploded in a brilliant show of light and sound. Blinding and deafening the Female titan. After awhile, the Female titan saw that her target had escaped her. But she wouldn't give up yet, Eren was still a priority target to her. And wouldn't stop until she got him.

Asura lives! Good God I'm sorry for the delay on this one. Anyway, as always, comment, rate, and leave advice so I can improve. Next time, it's a one-sided battle between the Female titan and the Metal titan!

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