Chapter 29 Coming Home

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Charlie woke up with a bit of fuzz in her mind. She would usually wake up a bit dazed, she didn't take notice of it. When her eyes adjusted to the light she noticed she wasn't in her room. Not at all.

She heard a faint snoring. Her head snapped towards the sound. She saw five boys laying in uncomfortable seats. What were they doing here?

The looked around her. She was in a bed, she had a monitor beside her and an infuse. she looked at her hand. The infuse was connected to her hand. She was in a hospital.

"Why the heck am I in a hospital!" she screamed. She hadn't got time for this. Who was playing this horrible joke on her. If they had done it, they were so dead.

The guys jumped of their seats. "Charlie. You're awake." Louis said relieved.

"Yeah, now please explain me why I'm here." the guys all looked down guiltily. Niall felt like he should say it, it was his idea after all.

"We found you in an alleyway." he said looking into Charlie's brown eyes. "Because we were worried about you, so I suggested we should follow you, just to make sure you got hope. We found you like uhm... I'm not sure how." he felt bad about what they did.

The boys knew he took all the blame right now."but we all agreed on following you. We share the blame." Niall gave them a smile, for appreciation.

"We found you asleep. You were weak and cold. We first thought you were dead." Louis explained. "Harry felt your pulse and you were still alive."

"We took you to the hospital." Zayn continued. "And they took you in, we could stay. Mainly because we are in a famous boyband, but also because we brought you here and we couldn't reach your dad."

"Or brother." Harry said. "They gave you an infuse and we were all scared. They did some test and they all frowned. Honestly I thought you were gonna die." Harry said dramatically.

"But now you're awake. So we know that's not true." Liam said.

Charlie frowned. She trusted them. She felt betrayed but she knew they just care for her. "I thought I could trust you." she said sadly.

"I know, we know." Harry ran a hand through his hair frustrated. "please don't be mad." they all expected her to be mad, worse then mad. Maybe they would never be forgiven.

"I'm not mad." She said quietly. Knowing it was true, she wanted to be mad, but she knew she wasn't mad for all the right reasons.

The boys looked at her supposed. "You're not?" Liam asked. Charlie shook her head.

"I'm not mad, I'm nothing negative. I get you were just protective and things like that. I should have excepted your offer-"

"Wait hold on." Niall interrupted. "you're blaming yourself right now? because this." he motioned to the hospital. "Is our fault." He said.

"But I don't blame you." she said. "And I know I shouldn't blame you. Every fiber in my body tells me that. And someone is the blame for this." she motioned to the hospital like Niall had done. "I'm the only one left."

The guys were confused, shocked, chocked up. they all shared mixed emotions. "Can't we just blame no one?" Louis asked.

"No one has ever blamed no one." Charlie said making the guys chuckle.

"I think it's a good idea." they all agreed. Then it fell quiet. Charlie laying on the bed.

"I hate these covers. And not only because of the color." she said to break the silence she thought was uncomfortable.

The guys laughed at that. It was a yellow blanket and really thin. It wasn't soft, or fully and you had to move it with you if you moved your position. Like you had to push it to your feet, move, and then pulled it back to cover you.

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