12. Save the PDA

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Katie's POV

Heyy!! This update is a little late because I had friends over, sorry about that! Now on with the story.

All throughout calculus, I keep thinking of the look on Shane's face. It seemed so sincere, so regretful. Should I forgive him? Get back with him? I twirl my pen mindlessly.

Thinking of how he fought Blake to save me from being punched, I blushed. Tomatoes aspired to be me at that moment.

Technically, he didn't do anything wrong to make me hate him, right? I don't know what's considered as 'cheating', the downside of growing up with limited social interaction.

"Ms Hever, are you even listening to me?" A hand waved right in front of my face. Shocked by the hand, I suddenly jerked back in my chair, resulting in the chair toppling over.

Snickers erupted from around the classroom, and some took out their phones to capture my moment, no doubt to post on social media later.

I adjusted my skirt and pulled it down while standing up. Heat rose to my cheeks as I pulled the chair back and sat on it. Using my hair to cover my red face, I avioded all eye contact with anybody.

The bell rang and I shot out of my seat. A notification popped up and I clicked on it. I cringed when I saw that someone had posted a picture of me, lying haphazardly on the floor with my skirt riding a little dangerously high. I groaned and shut off my phone.

Welcome to Contini high everyone, the place where people aren't afraid to bully when you screw up just one little time.

I have gym class next. Pulling my gym shirt out of my locker, I shove my files and everything in there.

I walk quickly towards the bathroom, not wanting to look at anyone. My picture must be all over the internet by now.

When I get to the locker room to change, my eyebrows shoot up when I get a good look at the shirt I pulled out. This looks like a shirt for a 4th grader. Oh man.

I pull the shirt on and struggle to fit my head in the tiny hole meant for my head. The shirt barely covers me, lifting my hands up even a little would start to show some skin. Oh boy. This is the last shirt in my locker.

Deep breaths, Katie. Breathe in, breathe out.

Clutching the clothes I discarded, I inch my way towards my locker to put them in. The whole way to my locker, whistles can be heard from the nearby boys. Dear god.

Riley, one of the guys on the football team, walks up to me. Shit, shit, shit, shit.

I quicken my footsteps but Riley catches up with me anyways. Stupid football leg workouts.

"Hey, Katie, right? I'm Riley." He flashes me a smile.

"Yeah, I'm Katie, and I'm pretty sure everyone knows who you are. In fact, your name's printed on your shirt." I say, pointing to his shirt.

He blushes a light pink and it's actually kind of cute.

"Hey Riley, back off, she's mine." A low voice growls behind me.

I turn around to see Shane.

He takes one look at what I'm wearing and says, "Princess, what are you wearing?!"

Now it's my turn to blush. "Well, I uh. This was the only gym shirt I have lef-"

"I like it." He whispers lowly into my ear, heating up my cheeks even more. He pulls me closer to him it's almost painful and tilts my head up to claim my lips.

Intense heat explodes inside of me as my knees buckle. He hungrily devours my lips and I let out a gasp of surprise. He uses this opportunity to shove his tongue into my mouth. Letting out a small moan, I drape my hands over his neck. He grasps a fistful of my hair and angles my head to deepen our kiss.

"Hey, kids. Save the PDA, go get a room already." Riley shakes his head and walks off.

"Am I forgiven?" Shane asks. Staring into his hazel brown eyes, I can see true sincerity in them. "Ok," I nod, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "but I have to rush off to trig, my place later?"

"I'll pick you up after football, Princess."

Happiness blossoms in my chest when he calls me Princess. Maybe... I can have a normal relationship after all. I just have to convince him to join the Black Light.

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