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Katie's POV

Shane's offer the other day keeps appearing in my mind. Which is how I find myself daydreaming in AP Euro.

"Ms Hever. Ms Hever!" A voice yells at me. I hear it, but my brain doesn't seem to register it. A hand lightly taps on the top of my head and my head shoots up.

"Pi is an irrational number, which means that no fraction that equals it exactly exists. Beyond this, π is a transcendental number, which means that it's never the value of x in a polynomial equation." I blurt out, earning a puzzled and displeased look from Mr Ganghis.

A roar of laughter breaks out from the class as I am once again humiliated.

"Ms Hever, may I know what exactly pi has to do with the Industrial Revolution?" Mr Ganghis asks.

"I...uh....nothing, Sir." I answer.

He gives a half-nod and walks back to the white board.

I find myself once again pondering over Shane's offer to join him. My parents would rather drink bleach than see me join the White Shadow. But, this is the only chance I have of being with the man I love. Shane is too good a man to drag into the darkness of the Black Light.

I look up to see if Mr Ganghis is looking. Seeing that the coast is clear, I discreetly send a messge to Shane.

I accept your offer

He immediately sends a message back.

Have I mentioned I love you? :)

I chuckle quietly to myself. He has no idea how much I must love him in order to go against the Black Light.

My phones chimes softly again.

My parents want to meet you for dinner on Friday. Also, I forgot to mention that my father is the boss of the White Shadow.

My eyes nearly pop out of their sockets and I almost drop my phone. The boss?!?!?!? Oh boy, this would be an interesting dinner.


I'm too lazy to write an author's note. Goodbye.


K <3

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