Chapter 17:Nostalgia

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Its exams so sorry for the short chapter


''Here, drink. '', was her father's words. She looked at the clear blue liquid. It didn't smell. The bubbles on the top were forming face and she could see reflection of a her younger self. Some were of other people

''What is it?'', she asked surprised, almost frightened. It wasn't that she didn't trust him,it was just so sudden!

''It's a Memory unblocker. I blocked your memories before I left you at the Grangers. It was for your own good. '', he said looking guilty at the vail in Hermione's hands, ''Its more effective and not all your memories come back at once. They slowly come back in dreams and you'll receive small doses of it at a time. Where in the spell it throughs you into a sleep where you can potentially act out your dreams. It is much more dangerous and I prefer the potion."

She smiled as her anger subsided, her father was caring and loving. She felt a true bond between them.

''Should I sit or stand before drinking this?'', she asked a bit feeling stupid.

''I would prefer you to sit down, please. '', he said gesturing to a leather chair. She took a seat before looking at the potion again.

She sighed and looked at her father. Did she really want those memories back? What do they hold. Love? Sadness? joy? What lies beyond this? what will it benefit her?

''When you are ready, my dear. There is no pressure. Take your time. '', he said gently. His dark eyes looked like melted dark chocolate.

She looked at the vail and decided that she can face what ever this brings. She has faced death on more than one occasion.

She brought the vail to her mouth and downed the lumpy liquid. It tasted like some of her favourite flavours and some of her most despised.

She shook her head and looked at her father. She didn't feel different. Severus took the vail and she stood up. It was like a sudden jog through  her mind and she saw flashes of her past. Some of her mother. Who looked a lot like her. Some were of her father standing there looking happy. It was like photographs but they had a sense of reality to them.

''Every thing alright?'', her father asked touching her shoulder attentively. Her body was slowly sinking back into the chair.

''Yes, its just memories of you and mom. '', she said smiling teary.

''She loves you. Just like I do. '', she could see the love and broken heart he has.

''I know. ''

With that she stood up pushing the memories from her mind and walked out of the potion hall giving the excuse that she is tired and she would come down for dinner later.

She walked to her quarters in complete composure.Suddenly this giant mansion felt like her home.She pushed the door open to her quaters and sat on the couch for a long time. She couldn't believe what she saw. She saw two faces, two boys playing in a pool. They mere toddlers. Their black hair made a contrast with their white bodies. The memories were warming, she suddenly understood why her father was so bitter in class. Her twin brothers looked like him and they were so young and innocent.

Suddenly she her memories turned dark and a face flashed before her eyes.It had a bit of jet black hair that was pressed against his pale scalp.His nose was thick and blended in with his face.His eyes were the ones that was the most terrifying to Hermione.It was pure red and its teeth was sharp and edgy.It felt like her head was pounding and slowly the edges of the image became fuzzy and melted into darkness.


The manor was quite and the late afternoon sun shined into the windows. His heels broke the silence as he walked and his face was emotionless and he turned into a room much darker than the hallway.

Draco walked to his mother office. The house elf had just informed him his mother wanted to see him. His father is probably somewhere on a business trip expidetion.
He found his mother looking onto her arm?

He knocked before entering. Waiting for her to look up from her arm. She quickly drawed her arm back. She peered over her glases and greeted him warmly with a smile, ''Draco, dear, sit. ''

''You wanted to see me, Mother?'', he asked and took a seat on the bright material of the canvas chair.

''Yes, who was the girl next to Pansy?'', she asked.

''Hermione Snape,her former last name Granger. '', he said.

''Oh, Severus' daughter. '', she said with delight, ''How stupid of me!I was at the welcome party!'', she said waving it off as a simple mistake. His mother had a tendency to forget small things.After all she was a busy woman.

She was the head of the medical department at the Ministry of took up most of her time and then there were still pureblood duties...

''Yep. '', he said bluntly but his mother ignored it taking of her glasses.

''Well, she seems nice. How do you find her company?'', she asked with a tilted head while packing up her things for the day. Draco took a cautious turn on his answer,trying to be very subtle.

''She is intelligent. She is like me on a new level, a good match for me. '', said Draco and his mother craned her neck at the statement.

''Drace, do you have a crush on Hermione?'', she asked with great caution.

There was a short silence before he looked at his mother. Narcissa kept her eyes on him the entire time. Her eyes searching for any sign that it is a joke but alas she found none.

''Its not a joke, Mum. '', he said as she broke out in a deep chuckle.

''My little baby boy! You have your first crush!'', she said motherly.

"Mother!I'm not your baby boy anmore!'', he said loudly. His mother was way to over protective, ''I've had it since our third year!''

His mother stopped laughing looking at her son with surprise. Even disbelief shown in her eyes.Draco knew what he had just done!

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