Chapter 18:Crossroads

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The early morning buzz of Diagon Alley was the thing to calm Hermione down. She entered Flourish and Blotts for her textbooks along with some additional reading material.She needed something to keep herself busy during the trainride.Besides one can never not know enough. At the counter she felt a tap on her shoulder, she smiled.

''We can go after I paid. Did you get your textbooks?'', she asked still smiling.

''Yes, '', said Draco holding a bag as he turned to see it. She thanked the owner and walked out to Slug and Jiggers Apothecary, to buy their potion supplies. Her father asked this morning if he can supply her from his own collection, but she insisted on doing it alone. He was absolutely disgraced to see that she had such small amounts. He insisted that she buy a bigger kit. He gave her the name, Advanced Potion Kit for Youngs.

''What did you do since last week?'', came it from Draco.
She took a minute to think before replying to Draco.

''Well, I got my memories unblocked and I read scouted out our library. I want to restock it at some point. My father is missing out on so many muggle classics and good books!''

He smiled. How many books has she read in her lifetime?

''I can imagine. '', he said not wanting to comment something else in fear of her anger. He can't mess up now.

They entered, Slug and Jiggers Apothecary. The owner of the shop was all grumpy about the lot of today not being satisfied with the things they already own. Hermione got the rest of her supplies and placed it in her new kit.

Outside of the Apothecary Draco stopped. Hermione continued a little while down before turning around looking at Draco confused.

''What are you doing? I have to get to Madam Malkin's before it closes.!'', she urgently said.

''I was just admiring your beauty. '', he huskily uttered.

Now Hermione had no clue what was going on! Was he even in to her? Was he flirting with her? What on earth!

''Are you flirting with me, Draco?''

''No, complementing you. You are the person I want at my side one day when I'm old, Hermione. You are the one that has intelligence and has guts. Damm, that's some guts!I like you Hermione Snape, since our third year I've always wanted you to be my girlfriend. To be that person that can build a relationship with me. That person who I can be vulnerable with. The thing  is, Hermione, I'm asking you to be my girlfriend. ''

Hermione looked at him with confusion. What was he thinking? Should she go for it? Was he just doing this because she moved in with her father and that she was never a muggleborn.

''Draco, I don't know what to say. '', she bluntly replied.

''Just say yes! Its not a proposal. It's a harmless question. '', he said passionately.

''I'll think about it. ''


Hermione stormed into the the manor. Her father instantly appeared at the top of the staircase. He was neay dressed in his teaching robes. He probably heard her banging the doors. As she came up the staircase she looked at him, ''Was it so bad?'', he asked, ''Did you get the kit. I know a place-''

''I got it. Sorry about my entrance. '', she said stopping for a moment.

''Do you want to talk about it?'',he asked with delicacy. 

''Draco asked me to be his girlfriend. I said I'll think about it. I don't know if I want it or not!'', she angrily said. Putting her head on the railing of the stairs.

She was so confused. What did she want?

"Draco is a nice guy, Hermione. You'll be safe with him, no doubt about that but you must decide whether you're taking it or not. Just I know I will support your decision no matter what.''

''Thanks Dad. '', she said and walked up to her room. At arrival she pulled out a piece of parchment and a quil.She went to sit on the couch.Staring for a long time at the parchment before writing.

Dear Draco,

I am terribly sorry for my reaction to your wonderful monologue. You should become an actor.

I have considered your question and I accept it. You are a wonderful person and I hope we can see eye to eye and that our relationship could flourish and grow. I look forward to see you again, my love.

This is a start of something new for both of us. I hope we can grow and help each other. I however ask that we should not tell my friends, Harry and Ron. If we do cross paths later I ask you to be civil and friendly.

From your girlfriend.



She walked down to dinner and as she took her place across from her father she looked up at him. His dark chocolate eyes displayed love and peace to her. He was a caring father and she hoped that they will not be separated after tonight.

''So, you answered Draco's question?''

''Yep, I'm accepting his offer. '', she said as she dug into her spaghetti.

''I'm glad. Are you excited to return to Hogwarts tomorrow?''

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Until then!

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