Chapter Eighteen

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Well first off I'm sorry for how long each chapter is taking. I'm just struggling to put my ideas on... paper.

So to show how sorry I am, this chapter will be my Christmas present to you all.

Hope you enjoy and as always
☺️!!!STAY AWESOME!!!☺️

Throughout lunch Shiro hugged me tight as I laid a hand on his, reassuring that I was okay with him doing that. But before the bell could ring for the noon time meal to be over, I remembered something Kon had said.

With the thought in mind, I opened my mouth ready to ask him the most important question I was ever going to say in my life...but no words came out. I was to afraid to know the honest truth because I had finally accepted something I have been dodging for a while. So instead I tried to put on the most happiest face I could mustar as I pull away from Shiro and turn around and looked at him.

"Shiro, after school, do you just want to hang out and relax." As I spoke in a kind tone, I felt my nerves going crazy making me scratch the back of my head sheepishly.

"Does that mean we are no longer going to be fucking awkward around each other?" Shiro asked.

"Sure, lets just get to class."

"Whatever you say."

As I turned my back to him and walk to class, I allowed my face to drop. Everything I have been denying is finally coming to my senses. I feel like I can finally admit it with some sort of confidence, but if I let Shiro know, would he truly feel the same or will it be another lie to deal with.

Entering the classroom I saw that Orihime and Tatsuki were by my desk, clearly waiting for me. I so badly wanted to ignore them sense I finally admitted something to myself that I've been trying to deny for so long.

Damn I thought I would feel better since denying that sensation was so... horrible that actually saying 'yes' would get rid of it. But now I feel disgusted. Am I seriously having feelin-.... having those emotions towards a.... a guy. God how am I not embarrassed by this? How am I being able to stay so straight face as I sit down at my desk with Tatsuki glaring at me? Is there something wrong with me?

"Ichigo are you even listening to me!" Tatsuki shouted at me after punching my arm hard. "Why the yell did I nearly get hit in the head with a bento full of food that Orihime gave you earlier!"

I kept myself from staring at Shiro, just to give him a break from how I have been treating him. All I did was look at Orihime in the eyes and spoke a simple phrase.

"I'm sorry." Then looked at Tatsuki with no emotion what so ever. "That's what you wanted to hear right? I'm sorry. Now can you please leave me alone, I have something on my plate I need to focus on."

But of course Tatsuki wouldn't let something like that slide by so easily. Grabbing my shoulder she pulled me to face her once again in that annoyed face of her's. Dang she was really upset about something so little? If only she knew what I have been barring for the past two weeks, maybe then she would finally give me the space that I desperately needed.

"What in the hell is up with you lately!" She spat as she did her best to shake me. "Can you just have a normal conversation with me!"

Right then, as if someone was finally giving me a break from who knows where, the teacher walked into the classroom. Tatsuki, with difficulty, released me before the teacher yelled at her to cause a bigger scene. Normally she wouldn't care, but Orihime was there to keep her at bay from going on a rampage.

Instinct Released (Ichigo X Hichigo) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now