11 - Babysitting or Trollsitting?

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Squeak! Blake turns her attention to where the sound was emitting from. Once she looked at the area where the sound emitted from was Jim and Toby parking their bikes and noticed a stuffed bunny was on the ground.

Blake looks at the stuffed bunny, it seemed weird to her that Jim was carrying around a stuffed bunny to school.

"You have Suzy Snooze?" Claire questions loudly. Jim and Toby look up and saw Claire with a surprised expression, "my brother's bunny, I've been looking everywhere for him," Claire stated as she puts her hand out. Jim instinctively hands her the stuffed bunny named Suzy Snooze to her.

"You've been looking for this?" Jim questioned.

"Yeah," Claire softly touches the bunny's arm, "He's been acting weird without it. Where did you get it?" Claire questions.

"What do you mean, he hasn't been himself? Exactly how has been acting?" Jim asks. His Trollhunter side was getting out of control and Toby saw it. Jim's best friend decides to cut between them.

Toby chuckled nervously, "always concerned for the children," he pauses, "but just for clarification, are we super sure this is his? I mean, you could probably pick this up at, like, any store," Toby clarifies.

Claire looks at Suzy Snooze with a small smile, "I think I'd know the stuffed bunny I grew up with," Claire's smile grows.

Mary then comes in, running with a huge smile on her face, "Claire, I am so sorry, I can't babysit tonight, I can't, I really can't!" Mary cries.

Claire's eyes widen, "You promised! My parents have a work thing and Papa Skull's concert is tonight!" Claire pauses before continuing her rant, "I, like, live in their shirt every day!"

"I'm sorry, but Dean finally asked me out to a movie and Hank asked me out for ice cream - "tight jeans" Hank!" Mary squealed like a fangirl at a BTS concert, "love can't choose, Claire!"

While Jim and Toby were listening in on their conversation and began to whisper to each other, "do you believe this?" Jim questions.

"I know, Mary Wang's a player?" Toby replies. Jim frowns, not expecting that kind of response.

"No! She doesn't know that her brother is missing because Claire's brother is a changeling!" Jim exclaims in a quiet tone.

Without thinking, Jim jumps in and exclaims out of nowhere. Unexpectedly, Blake jumps in too, "Claire, I can babysit!" they both stated in unison. Jim and Blake were surprised, they both looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Tonight, really!? Thank you - wait, have you ever babysat before?" Claire questions both of them.

"Yeah, totally, I always babysat my sister when she was a baby. I'm pretty sure I can handle it," Blake replies.

Claire looks at Jim, he nervously smiles, "uh, yeah," Jim then chuckles a little bit before continuing, "yeah, they call me "Jim, the Baby-handed","

"Oh my gosh, you guys are a life saver, I could kiss you!" Claire exclaims as she walks toward Jim and gave him a peck on the cheek, Blake, on the other hand, stepped away from Claire because she didn't want to be kissed.

Claire looks at Blake and chuckles, "I am just going to give you a hug instead of a kiss because that would be weird," Claire wraps her arms around Blake. Blake smiles and hugs her back as an appreciation to the hug.

"Just come by at my house at seven!" Claire states as she walks away, "thank you, Blake and Jim!"

As soon, Claire was gone. Toby pushed Jim away from Blake's hearing reach, "he's not a changeling," Toby whispers, feeling doubt that a baby can't be a changeling.

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