12 - Fake Blake

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The troll-creature jumps all over the room attacking Jim and Toby and ran outside of Enrique's room. Blake screams, "what the heck is that thing - Jim! You have to explain right now, I now know that whatever I saw at the museum wasn't a dream, it was real!"

Jim looked at Blake, she was terrified but curious. Jim jumps onto his feet and ran out of the room, completely ignoring Blake and focused on getting the changeling.

"Where did he go?" Jim questions as he ran into another hallway and saw the changeling trying to eat a kitten.

"Put. The. Kitten. Down," Jim commands.

The changeling spits out the kitten towards Jim earning a scream, the changeling jumps on Jim while he was on the floor, "you're a real killjoy!" the changeling proclaims as he goes downstairs with Jim and Toby following him.

Blake exits Enrique's room to see blue mist, "for the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!"

Without any second thought, Blake follows them downstairs with a slight smirk across her lips. While departing towards the first floor, she realizes that the place was trashed like college or university students came to the house and completely wrecked it.

Once she made it to the first floor, she looked to the right and then her left to see the changeling swinging towards Jim and Toby and kicked them in the face, while the Trollhunters were falling, they ended up falling onto Blake. Blake screams in agony as she the pain paralyzed a specific part of her body.

Jim and Toby didn't even know that they landed on Blake as a landing pillow and continued to try and capture the changeling. It jumped and kicked them from the wall and ceiling.

The small changeling goes on the office chair while holding a magazine and a bottle, "you know how good you guys have it here? It's a party compared to the turds in the Darklands,"

Toby roars and charges toward the Changeling. As the changeling dodges their attacks, it laughed and cackled just seeing them trying to catch him but failing miserably.

On the outside of the house, Blinky and Arrrgh were watching the Trollhunter trying to catch the changeling whilst shattering a bunch of things, "I'm going in!" Arrrgh declares.

"No! We are not his safety line. This is a good test for our Trollhunter to learn to stand on his own," Blinky states as he tries to stop Arrrgh from going in, "stay hidden,"

Arrrgh hides with bushes, covering his face. Blinky specifies to cover Arrrgh's big stone body. He then goes down lower and Blinky just ignores it and went back to watching and hearing what Jim and Toby, the Trollhunters, were doing.

Blake gets up from the floor and groaned, she looks at her stitches and noticed they have opened. It was her last day and tomorrow she was going to get them removed, but now she has to go back to the hospital to restitch her stitches. Blake could see her white tank top getting drenched in some blood, "damn it," Blake hissed.

She tries to go toward the kitchen where all the fuss was from. Once she entered the kitchen, she saw a big troll with the same changeling she saw earlier in Enrique's room.

"But you can't tell anyone I told you, I got a pretty sweet deal. If the bossman hears I squealed, he'll feed me to Bular," the little changeling says.

Blake gasps slightly, Blinky looks up and was the only one who saw Blake. He gasps, "Master Bl--"

Blake violently shushes him and quickly changed her expression to a scared one, "what the hell is going on here - who are these big stone creatures; golems!?"

"Blake, this is nothing," Jim says.

"Nothing?! Do you think I'm blind? There is obviously a big stone golem... in Claire's... wrecked kitchen..." Blake's words were fading. Her vision was getting blurry and slow, it felt like she was going to faint. Oh, wait, she was. Blake was losing some blood that made her faint.

"Blake--" Jim calls out but was cut off when he heard a car approaching into Claire's driveway. Jim gasps and commands his troll friends to leave immediately. Blinky tries to take the changeling but Jim needed the changeling so the Nunez's don't freak out that their baby was gone. Blinky gives up and does what his master told him to.

"Claire, we're home - oh my goodness, call the ambulance!" Jim gasps when Claire's parents call out their daughter's name and saw Blake's body on the floor. Jim gasps and tries to change the changelings form into Enrique.

Once they called the ambulance, they head into the kitchen to finding out it was wrecked and the only one who was standing in there was Jim with an awkward, "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Nunez. I'm Jim the babysitter," Jim greets.

Claire enters the kitchen and gasps, "fudge knuckle!"

The ambulance sirens were heard in the distance and were coming closer to the Nunez's house. Once they got there, they picked up Blake and quickly drove to the hospital to get some quick support to stitch her open wound.

Blake groans as she felt a sharp pain on her side, "ow..." Blake rasped. She holds her head up and noticed the same doctor stitching her up from last week.

"Your stitches opened on your final day, luckily, you'll only wear these for 3 days, make sure you don't do anything too rash--"

"Can I just stay here for 3 days in the hospital bed? I hope that's not too much trouble?" Blake questions, making sure it wasn't a problem for them.

They smiled softly, "sure, until your third day, we will remove your stitches and you'll be discharged, have a good night's rest," the ginger doctor leaves the room and leaves Blake alone while the moon shines brightly into her hospital room.

Blake looks at the moon, her blank black reflected the moon, she gets out of her bed and goes toward the window and opening the window letting the wind come into her room. It was like the wind was speaking to her.

"Bular will die from my sword, time for him to face the real darkness from me that I wield. More importantly, I hope Blinky doesn't tell them anything or I will kill him..." Blake declares with a growl.

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