24 - Second Triumbic Stone

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The Trollhunters were ready to find the Second Triumbic Stone by going onto the Gyre where the Quagawumps had the Triumbic stone. They don't accept outsiders, but Blinky had to bring an insider. Toby Domzalski. Surprisingly, he had the same resemblance of the Shattered King of the Quagawumps.

"The Quagawumps are short and stout in stature. It'll be a role of a lifetime!" Blinky shouts over the whirring sound of the Gyre, "mostly because if they see past our little charade, the time of our lives will end," Blinky warns, making the others yelp slightly.

They all enter the Quagawump territory, it was dark green and full of the ambiance of grasshoppers and the wind whistling softly.

"Where are we?" Blake questions.

"A place renowned for its vast swamps, theme parks, and retirement communities - Florida!" Blinky exclaims while extending his arms in the air in excitement.

"Come on, Your Eminence. Your people await," Claire teases slightly.

Toby jumps onto a rock to avoid falling into the black swamp water, "I'm just saying I'm built to be a sidekick, you know? I'm not leading man material. I'm a wingman," Toby says.

"Don't be a wuss," Jim chuckles and keeps walking, leading him. Toby follows his best friend, he sees Blake standing there with a serious face.

"Look, Toby. To me, you have something within you that isn't discovered yet. There is going to be a time where you can achieve that, not a wingman, but as a hero," Blake says while smiling softly. Toby smiles. Blake gestures her head toward the rest of the group to Toby. Blake began to walk with Toby behind her.

As they walked further into the swamp. It was quiet which set Blake on edge, but she knew that she had to keep calm and not stir up a commotion. The Quagawumps began to surround while doing their war cry. The Trollhunters clustered up together and looked at Toby.

"It is, I, the Shower King!" Toby announces, slightly fumbling on one word.

"Shattered," Blinky corrected.

"The Shattered King! Reincarnated as a human!" Toby began to howl like a ghost. Jim reminded him that he wasn't a ghost.

One of the Quagawumps walked towards Toby. Questioning and doubting that he wasn't the Shattered King. They wanted proof, "show us great magics, god king!" They commanded in poor English followed with their chanting war cry.

Toby sighs, "All right, now. Stand back!" it became silence and eyes of different troll kinds looked at him.

"This one's not for the faint of heart," Toby places his hands together as he did a magic trick. Blake knew this old magic trick. She cried when an adult did that to cheer her up, but made it worse for her, "abara-cadabara, nothing up my sleeve-ara!" The Quagawumps gasp and were surprised when he "disassembled" his finger and put it back together. They now believed Toby was the Shattered King.

The Quagawumps carried him and made their way to his throne, "You are leading man material!" Jim announces jokingly.

"Ha-ha-ha!" Toby sarcastically laughed as they brought him to his throne. The rest of the group followed him where the throne was located. Once they did, they see a large statue of the Shattered King. It did look like Toby, without the features to identify a troll.

"I don't believe it," Jim says in awe.

"Neither do I," Claire agrees.

"Ugh, I know, right? He doesn't even look anything like me," Toby laughs.

"Maybe not, but that," Blake points at the statue of the Shattered King, "is how you will look like if you were a troll," Blake says. Toby smiles but he yelps when he suddenly felt a sudden movement. The Quagawumps were throwing him around and each one was inspecting their kind.

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