54 - An Old Friend

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Waking up to a headache is the worst. In Blake's situation, her headache was throbbing badly and her body was restrained. Blake's first instinct was to look around and figure out where she was.

From the look of it, she was in an abandoned warehouse that looked rundown and away from the city because there were no cars to be heard.

"No one will be able to find you here... you're always so observant," a voice came from behind her. It was familiar to her - too familiar.

"No, it can't be..."

"Oh, it CAN be, it's been a while... Blake," the voice comes closer towards Blake's ear and nibbled on her ear. Blake winced as a shiver went down her spine. Blake turns her attention toward the mysterious male.

"Ikarus... how did you find me?"

"I was hired to find you and they said that the only place you can be found was here. In Arcadia Oaks. Hmm, I wonder why you chose this place~?"

"You know exactly why!" Blake growled.

"Oh, that's right, you're father committed suicide," he laughed slightly.

"Do NOT disrespect my father like that! He didn't commit suicide, he was murdered by a--"


"Nevermind," Blake stops herself and changed the topic, "what do you want?"

"What I want is... you!" Ikarus says.

"No! No, no, no, no! We are not getting back together! You know why I left you!" Blake roars.

"I always loved that expression when you're full of rage," he smirked. Blake gasped. Those eyes, she could never forget those glowing green eyes.

~ ~ ~

Meanwhile, the other Trollhunters were in front of the City Hall where Toby was kissed by Darci after saving Detective Scott and finding the three burglars and the belongings they stole. After everything was dismissed, Jim looked around and noticed that Blake wasn't around at all ever since last night.

"Hey, Claire, have you seen Blake last night?" Jim questioned.

"No, wasn't she with you last night?" Claire asks.

"No," Jim gasped, "what if she was kidnapped last night?!" Jim exclaims.

"There is no way. Blake is a strong girl, she can withstand anything like almost being consumed by the darkness," Claire reminds Jim about it. Jim shrugs.

Jim couldn't help but have the feeling to call Blake, just to make sure if she was okay and doing well after last night with Glug, the burglars, and all of that. Jim dialled her number, instead of an immediate pickup, he can hear Blake's ringtone. He looked around and saw no one until he heard once more from above on one of the rooftops.

Jim pointed up at the rooftop and looked at Claire, "can you create a portal and get us up there?" Jim questioned. Claire nodded and did what she was told.

They both got on the roof without anyone noticing. They can hear Blake's ringtone getting closer. Jim looked on the ground and noticed her phone, all of the curiosity he had turned into worry and rage, "someone DID kidnap Blake! We have to find her!" Jim growls.

"But how?" Claire questioned.

Jim thinks for a bit. He looks at Claire and saw her staff, "you can use your staff to find Blake, you can use her as an emotional anchor!" Jim says. Claire looks at her staff, she smiles and nods.

~ ~ ~

"Just stop it with this, there is no way I'm going back to the way I was!" Blake screams.

Ikarus grabs Blake's chin and forced her to look her in the eyes. Blake looked into them and saw feelings that she knew he never felt before. Emptiness, Lovesickness, and Rage, "you're always gonna be mine! You hear me?!" He growls. He pushes Blake's face and walks away from her and went to a table.

Blake huffs and blows a strand of her hair out of her face whilst doing that she saw Jim, Claire, and Toby peering over the edge of the abandoned warehouse. Blake looked at Ikarus and back at them, she shook her head violently. But it was too late.

Ikarus throws a pipe at the entrance of the warehouse, earning a yelp from the peering Trollhunters. Ikarus stomps toward Blake and tightly grips her long platinum hair. Blake winces in pain as he pulls onto her hair, "whoever you people are, come on out! Now!" he commands as he pointed a knife at them.

The others slowly walk into the warehouse with their hands up. Blake looked at them with the plain stare.

"We are here for Blake, that's all. Please, just let her go," Jim requests nicely.

"Blake is coming with me. She belongs in Detroit, where she truly belongs - with me!" Ikarus yells.

Jim looks at Blake and was shocked to see that she was calm and not panicking that Ikarus had a knife in hand that could kill them. Until he saw Blake mouth the words: "throw your sword at me, trust me," Jim didn't know what was going on, he did Blake told him to. He made his sword appear out of thin air without his armour.

"How did you do that?! Huh?!" he exclaims.

Jim looks at his sword and then Blake, "I hope you know what you're doing," he whispers. He throws his sword. Ikarus gasps and jumps to the side, not letting go of Blake's hair and made her in the way of Jim's sword which directly headed for her.

"Blake!" Jim screamed as he tried to make his sword disappear but it was too late.

The sound of his sword made a slashing sound. Everyone gasped when it hit Blake.

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