59 - Temptations: Part 1

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Claire hasn't been acting herself ever since the triple date. Blake knew exactly why that is. Morgana! Morgana is now possessing Claire's body to kill the Trollhunter. She has no use for the Midnight Trollhunter because she knew that the Midnight Trollhunter used to be an asset to GummGumms.

Morgana was growling and trying to undo the shackles herself but it was no use. Everything around Morgana was floating and was bright yellow. Claire's eyes was now fully black and her pupil was yellow.

"Release these shackles, or I'll wear your spine as my crown, peasants!" she threatens.

"Wow, that's morbid," Blake says while holding up a heavy book at Morgana.

"Her creativity has no bounds," Toby whimpered. Morgana releases a powerful wave of magic sending everyone flying. Morgana was getting out of control but Blinky got there in time to seal the shackles with a horngazel on Morgana. He was waiting for Arrrgh but he never showed. Jim reassures Blinky but they were facing a bigger problem.

Blake groaned and started to growl, "ugh, I want to kill this Morgana," Blake summons her sword, her right eye ignited with the purple flame. Jim stops her from causing any harm to Claire's body.

Morgana was near Toby's face trying to bite on him but Jim and Blinky stop her, Morgana grunts and looks at the Trollhunters, "after I feast on your souls, agony will rule for a thousand millennia!" Morgana states.

The panicked Toby questions how long was a millennia, he thought it was a million but Jim corrected him from a million to a thousand.

Blake kept her flaming eye on Morgana as Toby was whining and Jim spoke to Blinky about Morgana's name. Morgana laughs as she leans forward, "you cannot hope to contain me, trollish whelp! I am the Eldritch Queen of the Seventh Plane," Morgana sits back in the chair. Her whole body began to glow again and float up into the air, books, paper, and pillows circled around her with Morgana's magic circle, "Baba Yaga. The Pale Lady. I have slain scores of Merlin's fools!" Morgana laughs murderously, recalling the memories of her backstory of Merlin and herself.

Blinky does know the name and he thought it was far worse than he'd ever imagined. Morgana felt hate grow within her as they spoke about Merlin.

Blake's flaming eye grew more, having the urge to kill Morgana right there in the spot but she knew that Claire is still in there. Morgana brings a pillow over and leans back onto it. Gunmar knew how to bring forth the Eternal Night. Blinky thought it was impossible, Jim pulled him aside leaving Toby and Blake alone with Morgana. Morgana growls at Toby and used her powers with him. Sending him onto the bed and wrapped him with the blanket as Morgana spun around on the chair. Blake just stood there and watched everything, but her flaming eye didn't go out whatsoever.

"I think I know who to call for this type of situation," Blake states, before she began floating into the air, "call Mr. Strickler, he can help!" Blake suggested loudly as her body was getting thrown everything in the room.

After a while of objects and bodies being thrown around the room, Mr. Strickler arrived just in time. He was surprised to find Morgana in the flesh - which was using Claire's flesh. He brings a dark magic relic and used it to stop Morgana's magic. Everything falls back into place and they all gathered around Morgana.

He checked everything about her and used his book against Morgana, "you traitor, I made you!" Morgana exclaims. The final he did was bring out a special flashlight. Everyone looked at where the light was flashing. Morgana didn't have a shadow. Mr. Strickler finally knew what was going on, Claire was trapped in the shadow realm, but the more Morgana uses Claire's body as her vessel, they'll lose Claire.

Mr. Strickler suggests someone to go find Claire's spirit and return it to her body. Jim and Toby volunteer. They both look at Blake, Blake shakes her head, "oh, I'm not going with you, I'll stay here with Mr. Strickler, Blinky, and Morgana.

Everyone gets in place, Jim found the emotional anchor for Claire and Toby brought Tacos. Mr. Strickler instructed Jim and Toby to say an incantation, "Modus Occul-Tahk," Mr. Strickler says.

Toby tries to recite it, Jim sighs and says it. Mr. Strickler nods, "once you have found Claire, you have to say the incantation in reverse," the boys tried saying it in reverse.

"Khat-Lucco Sudom," Blake cuts in, they were shocked that she knew how to say the incantation, "what? You don't think I have read the Ga-Heul before. Mr. Strickler let me use it," Blake says. Jim and Toby say the incantation in reverse. Mr. Strickler gets the staff and summons a portal to the shadow realm.

Mr. Strickler easily opens the portal, Toby pouts, "Claire always made it look so easy," he says.

"Remember, Master Jim, the shadow realm is a plane of chaos, devoid of light or reason. Spare no time," Blinky reassures them.

They nodded and enter into the shadow realm with Suzy Snooze for Claire and prepared for the worst. While Blake, Blinky, and Mr. Strickler had to deal with Morgana.

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