25 - Claire and Toby Sparring?

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Blake was kind of jealous about Claire getting a shadow staff from Angor Rot, but holding possessing an amulet that gives her a sword, helmet, and two little daggers that can be put together into a boomerang.

Claire was swinging around the staff trying to make a portal, "why won't this shadow staff make a portal?"

"Slow down, young one. You must learn to empower the staff itself," Draal hints.

"I've read in one of the books about the shadow staff, to control it you have to control your emotions. Strong emotions that are unpleasant to feel but relieving such as anger and fear," Blake explains as she crosses her arms. Claire nods and continues to swing the shadow staff around.

Toby began to become annoyed by Claire's new weapon, "I've been by Jim's side since day one and what do I get?" Toby questions.

"Mmm. Got me, Wingman," Arrrgh reminds his wingman happily. Blake glances at Arrrgh. There was something that she knows that Arrrgh is hiding but doesn't know what exactly. Claire kept swinging the shadow staff to summon a portal, "why won't this thing work?!" Claire throws another swing of the shadow staff. She finally summoned a portal, a small one, but it was progression.

"I made a portal! Did you see that?!" Claire exclaims happily.

"Yeah, if we need to teleport an olive or a baby mouse," Toby remarks.

"What did you say?" Claire growls.

"I said you have an awesome staff and you totally deserve it," Toby congratulates, "even though you lost the Killstone," Toby taunted.

"Excuse me, Mr. God King, you were the one in charge of getting the stone and you blew it!" Claire remarked.

While the two teenagers began to argue. Arrrgh was worried for them but Draal reminds him that this was the Forge where the fighting was supposed to be. Blake couldn't take her eyes off of Arrrgh, she just feels a squeezing pain on her heart when she looks at Arrrgh.

In the middle of the Forge, Jim came back from the Void. He comes back to see Claire and Toby fighting each other then he saw Claire's new shadow staff began to engulf with shadows. Claire swung the staff and ended up throwing it directly at Toby. Jim runs toward Toby and tackles him out of the way before his best friend got hurt. Claire realizes what she has done and immediately lets go of the staff and panicked and Toby blamed her for that.

"Stop! Enough! The council was right!" Jim stated.

"What did my father say?" Draal questions.

"He said that we need to step it up and that's not just coming from him - that's coming from me, too," Jim states.

"They are right, you got one Killstone and it wasn't easy. The second Killstone we barely had it - I don't blame Claire for losing it or Toby being caught up in the moment of being a king. But our of getting Killstone's will only get harder, we have to prepare more," Blake recommends, "other than that, Angor Rot has the Killstone, we have to plan on how we are going to get it back,"

"Blake's right, if we want all of the stones, the path now goes through Angor Rot and we all know what that means. Even the council doesn't know how to stop him. We all need to pull our weight and that goes for me, too," Jim says, he sighed deeply.

"We'll do whatever it takes," Claire says.

"If rookie here gets to rock a sweet weapon, I get to rock a sweet weapon, too!" Toby went running toward the weapons wall and browsed to see if anything would suit his kind of weapon choice. Then he noticed a weapon he most desired, "war hammer!" He tries to pick it up.

As he struggled to pick it up a troll ran toward the Trollhunter, "Trollhunter, it's urgent!"

"What is it? Is everything okay?" Jim questions.

"I have a package I need delivered to my sister, Sagdwella!" the troll hands him the box, "she lives under a trailer park in Oo-tah," she addresses. Jim was confused, he wasn't a mailman, he tried to refuse her call to deliver a package but she insisted.

After a few times of trying to refuse, the troll had to bring out the "trollhunter cannot refuse a call" card. She even warned him to not open the box, no matter what.

On the other hand, Toby was holding on to his war hammer but had a difficult time trying to keep his balance, "I don't got it! I don't got it!" Everyone watches him losing his balance and falling over and slightly getting crushed by his own war hammer, "everything hurts," Toby rasped out in pain.

The Trollhunters went back to the school to discuss about the box delivery.

"So, what's in the box?" Claire questions.

"It doesn't matter. We're not gonna open it," Jim states as he remembers Bagdwella's request and warning.

"Yeah, Claire, it doesn't matter," Toby daunted Claire. But, Blake could understand her curiosity about the Troll stuff.

"But aren't you curious, though?" Claire questions, having the urge to open it but deep down she knew she can't disappoint.

"There could be, like, a tiny creature in there that can't breathe, Jimbo! Or an itty-bitty troll king whose little kingdom needs saving! Oh! Or my soulmate!" Toby exclaims.

Blake chuckles, "I think you've been watching too much Harry Potter or fantasy movies," Blake teased. Toby laughed.

"Guys! It doesn't matter, because, at lunch, I'm taking it straight to the post office. Easy win, for once," Jim says, glad that it was an easy job.

"What?" Blake sighed deeply and turned her attention to Steve Palchuk, "you think you're gonna win today, Lame Junior? The touch-a-truck-athon is mine. It's the ultimate test of endurance, and no one can touch like me," Steve says, he turns his attention at Blake's black eyes, "am I right, Blake~?"

"Just go and lose this challenge, please?" Blake begged quietly as Steve went walking.

"Aw, poor Steve. I think he's becoming unhinged," Toby says.

"You think? He's clearly unhinged thinking that he's has a chance with me - I ain't that easy to get! Who does he think he is?!" Blake questioningly shouts.

"Oh man, the truck-athon's today? That's gonna take all day!" Jim cries.

"Claire and Toby can deliver it for you," Blake suggests. Claire and Toby looked at her with a surprised expression. Jim looked at Blake and then back at Claire and Toby. He shrugs, "not a bad idea," then it was settled, Jim agreed to Blake's idea without a second thought. Blake could deliver it herself but she would open it within the second it was in her hands because of her curiosity.

Before Jim left to the next challenge of Spring Fling King competition, Blake used his ear, "I would've done the delivery myself but Claire and Toby needed some time together to get to know each other and not be at war with each other. That's not what a team is. And just as a precaution, I will keep an eye on them," Blake reassures Jim. Jim smiles and thanks her for doing that, "now, go to that challenge,"

Jim went to the touch-a-truck-athon. Blake looked at Toby and Claire, "I will make sure that they don't end up killing each other and not mess up,"

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