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"Phenol is more acidic than ethanol. Why?" Sensei asked "Karin. Tell me the answer"

"Uhh.. because it's....I don't know" she said.

"Really Karin? This is the third time I'm repeating this" she sighed "Sakura you tell the answer"

I got up on my feet "Phenol exhibits partial double bond character. Benzene being an electron withdrawing group it increases the polarity of the oxygen hence making it more acidic compared to ethanol" I said.

"As expected. You should learn from her Karin" she said and Karin's face turned into a frown.

She gave me a glare and I returned it back. I'm sure she's gonna do something.

It was break now so I sat with Hinata and Ino. Temari was busy with Shikamaru on the other side, kissing each other. Neji and Tenten were drinking from the same drink.

Cringe or cute?

I smiled a little and returned to my friends.

Ino and Hinata sat across me. I could see Karin walk from behind Hinata. She walked with tray filled with food and juice.

Once she reached our spot she flipped her tray and the noodles fell on Hinata's head. Juice spilt on my dress.

Rage surged in within me as my eye sight scanned Hinata's face.

"YOU!" I shouted and grabbed her collar.

"Oops! It was by mistake! You hoes" She faked.

"Karin!" I said and flipped her to the ground. I was on top of her and was below me. My hands still holding her collar.


I gasped a little on her harshness.

"A SLUT HAVING SLUTTISH FRIEN-" I slapped her across the face.

"HOE" I got off her.

She had caught the attention of most of the people from the canteen. Even the staff at restaurants looked at us. I dusted myself when Tsunade-Sama walked up to us.

"What's happening here?" She asked.

"Sakura slapped me! Just because a little of my food fell on her table. It was by mistake!" She faked.

"For once Karin stop lying!" Ino said.

"Tsunade-Sama-" Karin was cutoff

"Come to my office you four" she said "Now!"

We walked to the office followed by a pissed Karin behind us. Honestly, I didn't hate her. It's just that she was being a bitch.

We entered the office and stood in a line infront of the principal.

"Mind telling me what happened?" She asked.

"Tsunade-Sama Sakura-" Karin was again cutoff.

"Hinata will speak" she said.

"I was talking to my friends and eating food when Karin flipped her food on us." Hinata said. Her dress still had some sauce spilt on it "and then she swore at us which made Sakura angry."

"It was a mistake!" Karin said.

"Has Karin ever messed with you guys before?" She asked like she was interested.

Karin was gonna get banged for this.

"She punched Hinata and went to Sakura's house, threatening her to stay away from her ex boyfriend when he wasn't even involved with Sakura." Ino spoke up.

Karin looked pissed but I didn't utter a word. If I told that she slapped me then she would be dead for sure.

I was of course Tsunade-Sama's favourite student but I didn't intend to over use it.

"I deeply apologise for the mess created in the cafeteria Tsuande-Sama" I said as I bowed infront of her.

"Karin should be the one apologising here." She said "you are suspended for four days after the exams Karin"

"And Sakura, you hit Karin. What about that?" She asked.

I cannot apologise to her. I cannot. She deserved more than what I did to her.

"Hugh.. whatever you three get back and Karin. Don't come to school for the next 4 days. And all your homework is doubled." She said.

We thanked her and left the office.

"What happened out there?" Naruto asked as we exited the office. "Are you okay Hinata? What's that on your dress?" He asked freaking out.

Ino was caught by Sai and they went away.

Sasuke was there at the end of the corridor acting like he didn't care.

Hinata explained Naruto what happened and I walked over to Sasuke.

"Hey" I said.

"Hn" he replied.

"Your ex is a retard" I said and he smirked.

"I know that" he replied.

We walked together to the lockers.

"This is probably the last time she's gonna mess with you" he said.


"She knows she wouldn't stand a chance against you next time" he said.

I nodded in agreement and we walked towards our next class English.

"Hey guys. So the 'Find Talent Konoha' is going to begin next month. Please enroll!" Rock lee asked us.

"Talent?" I asked.

"You guys are together in a band right? I'm sure it's gonna be an amazing show if you'll perform" he said.

"Thank you" I said as he gave me the form.

"Sasuke take one too" he said holding up one in his hand.

He took it and placed it in his bag.

"So you going for this?" I asked him.

"I don't know." He replied.

I nodded and we walked to English.

"Sakura-chan! Sasuke! Some talent show is coming up. Let's enroll" Naruto said as we entered.

"We took the forms already" I said.

"So we are going for this?" He asked smiling.

I looked at an emotionless Sasuke who slightly shook his head in a nod.

My face lit up with a smile and Naruto threw out his arms around our shoulders and said "Get ready! Team 7 is back!"

I saw Ino and hinata smiling across the room with their hands clasped.

"Wohooo!" Temari cooed from the corner "Go for it!"

"Yeah!" The whole class repeated except a pissed off karin who sat ignoring us.

We walked to our places and Sasuke switched his place with Suigetsu, so he sat behind us.

Karin was more than pissed. She didn't look up even when Kakashi-Sensei came in.

He didn't mind, he knew about the suspension thing. Probably everyone knows. It was a drama.

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