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"Hahh" I shouted as I dunked.

We were leading now, by 4 points.

5 more minutes.

Anything could happen.

Hinata took the ball and performed a three-pointer. Moegi pushed her from the back and she fell on her face.

"Hinata!" I shouted.

"What is happening here?" Guy Sensei whistled for a pause "Moegi! Out of the game! Now!"

"It was by mistake sir!" She faked when Naruto stood in front of her.

"You liar! We all saw you" he said as he bent to pick Hinata up.

"I'm fine Naruto, especially I'm not gonna lose now." She said and got up on her feet. It was a hard fall. It might be paining for her.

"You should rest a litt-" he was cutoff by Hinata who looked at him with a smiling face "I can't go back on my word. Can I?" She asked.

Naruto's face brightened and he nodded with a grin. He went back to his friends.

"Are you Okay Hinata?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She said.

We returned to our positions and began the game. Moegi was out of the game. We started the game. Leading with 7 points. Hinata snatched the ball and scored a 3-pointer. Again. Again. Then she scored a 2-pointer.

I rebounded and got the ball, I scored a basket. 3 more.

Guy Sensei blowed the whistle the score being 49-30. We won with 19 points. We all did a group hug laughing.

Hinata was just amazing.

"Let's have a get together! Party time!" Ino threw out a hand. Hinata put hers on ino's. Then Temari, karui and lastly, Tenten. Ino looked at me and I kept mine too giving a silly grin "at my house"

"Hinata! You were just amazing dattebayo!!" Naruto ran. "You were so cool Sakura-chan especially your dunks"

"Thanks" I replied and side hugged.

"So did you guys get selected?" I asked

"Yeah" Sasuke appeared in the court.

"Congratulations!" I smiled.

"You too" he replied.

He put out his hand forward. What for?

"Hold it you dumb head" Ino showed her palm going into the other palm and then she holds them tightly passing gestures.


He wants to hold my hand! His fingers curled over mine and mine over his. We walked together out of the gym. "Remember?" He asked.

"Remember What?" I slightly furrowed my eyebrows.

"Hang out after school?" He asked. Oh shit. We had decided a party at my place. Shit shit shit.

"Of course I remember" I said as I fake laughed.

He nodded and went to the changing room and I went to mine. "Oh damnit!" I punched the washroom door with my fist. How could I forget?

"You okay?" Hinata asked from the outside. "Yeah" I replied.

I have to cover my shoulders no matter what. I still have cut marks visible since 2 days. And if Sasuke sees it he'll kill me for sure.

I got out of the washroom, all dressed. I walked out to the next class which was physics.

I took a seat in front of Sasuke and kept fidgeting with my fingers. "You look scared..." Sasuke whispered.

"Tch" I said.

"Alright get back to your places everyone. Right now!" Kurenai Sensei shouted as she got inside. "Take our your books! And yeah, where's Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura?" She scanned the whole room and stopped at us "get your papers toppers" she winked.

"What?" I gaped and she handed me my paper. A full hundred. I worked for it, I deserved it. Didn't I?

Sasuke. How much did he get? I looked over to him and a not so happy expression took over his face as he received his paper. He's the topper too isn't he?

I decided not to talk to him for now.

"So class Haruno, Uchiha and Nara are the only toppers! Get some work done! You need to get into a good college!"

Uchiha? Sasuke? He got cent. Then why isn't he happy?

"Sasuke.." I said as I looked back. He returned a smile and I looked at Sensei.

He is upset with me? Is it because he knows that I forgot about our hangout?

Sensei continued with diffraction and polarisation but I was still thinking about Sasuke.

The lesson got over and we walked to chemistry then math and then biology with a break. I had scored an overall of 497 marks. I lost 2 marks in math because of a stupid calculation error and 1 mark in chemisty because I missed one hydrogen.

Whereas for Sasuke he scored 499. He was still upset. With me probably. After school got over I ran upto his locker, but he wasn't there. "Naruto did you see Sasuke?" I asked Naruto as I was wandering around the school. "Nope" he replied "everything's okay?"

"Yeah" I said as I began to walk again. I went out of the school waiting at the school gate.

"So what time is the get together?" Ino asked with everyone from my group behind her including the boys. "After 7?" I asked. They all nodded in agreement. "Wanna join us?" Kiba asked as he scratched his birthmarks. "I'm waiting for someone. Go ahead, thanks"

They left and I was yet again alone. I waited there until everyone left. I'm sure Sasuke's still inside. "Get a phone" Sasuke said as he peeked from my shoulder " uhah!" I squeaked "you scared me!" I put my hand on my chest.

He chuckled a little and then put his hand forward "ready?" I nodded slightly and held his hand. We took a seat in my car and he drove to mc Donald's since that's my favourite food place.

"2 Mc Chicken with meal" Sasuke ordered and the girl at the ordering table winked at him. My hand held his tight and I moved closer. Uhhhh. Jealousy was all on me. Sasuke looked at me with a smirk. "Jealous?" He whispered. "Jealous if you'd make new friends" I whispered back

"Sasuke can I ask you something?" I asked as I shifted uncomfortably on my seat.

He nodded "Yeah"

"You look upset is everything okay?" I asked as my hand trailed up to his.

"Hn" he replied.


"Everything is good." he looked away.

"Don't lie" I said

"I told you it's nothing"

"Something's definitely wrong!"

"Nothing is wrong dammit"


He looked away

"Sasuke please"

"Just stop!" He said loudly as tears came up to my eyes. He was distancing more than he already was. Tears came up to my eyes.

"I'm sorry" he said.

"It's okay" I replied not really looking at his eyes.

"I'm sorry" he said again.

"It's okay" I replied again not making any eye contact.

"Look at me and tell that it's okay" he said and my eyes trailed upwards.

"It's okay" I said looking deeply into his black pitch eyes.

"I was just thinking about the past. It just hits me sometimes." He said as he took a french fries. Past? Is he going to finally tell me? "Can we talk about it somewhere else?" He asked as he looked up at my shocked eyes.

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