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Hi hello, here is your long awaited sequel to control. Lemme start by saying if you haven't read control this will make literally no sense so I suggest reading that first. Next I want to give a couple shout-outs...

storm: for those of you who have watched X-Men, Storm is a character. Last year, I rescued a newborn kitten we found malnourished and on the brink of death. After his cute little meows made his way right into my heart and I spent an entire week begging my mom, we decided to keep him. I wanted to name him after a hero and we agreed on storm. He instantly became my best friend, that cat went everywhere with me, every morning he was on my lap and every day after school we took numerous selfies and he slept on my legs while I did my AP Chemistry homework. Two months ago he fell very ill, so ill that we had to put him down. It was the hardest thing I've ever done, watching the life drain out of his eyes, it's still burned into my memory. Why do I say this? I say this because I dedicate this book to him, for his memory. He was with me while I worked on these chapters for hours at a time, he would bite my hoodie strings as I typed away til four am. He's also the reason why this book came so late, after his death I was messed up. I isolated myself, failed a couple exams and got real sad for a while. Storm was my hero, as I know Newt and Thomas are yours. I dedicate this book for my little X-Men and I know that none of you met him but hopefully you can picture a small little silly black kitten and keep him in your hearts as you read :)

eran: my main bitch who read every.single.chapter. as I finished it and let me rant to her about ideas and theory's and plot points for hours and hours and hours. Legit I wouldn't have even finished this book if it wasn't for her telling me "you're not allowed to leave this, I need to know what happens." She's my main editor and I wouldn't have this book completed without her constant support (and pressuring) so if you want to thank someone for this, thank her.

liv: okay this one goes to the girl I based El off of. I met this girl online named liv and she's the sweetest thing ever. she did this contest a hot minute ago, to be a character in my fanfiction and I'd like to say we're friends now, but she's not only stuck with my slow writing speed, but also helped me immensely with the plot. She gave me free reign of creativity with her character who I formed into someone you all seem to like. Lemme tell you all, Liv is 1000000000x better than El if that was even possible. The whole plot line wouldn't even had been possible without her beautiful mutant so thank you liv

without further's my sequel :) I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it

xx ur least fav author, kara

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