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February 17th 1997

     "I think I'm gay." Newt's voice came out soft and shaky as he stared at his two friends.

     "Gay as in, you like boys?" El asked as she cocked her head.

     Kis groaned loudly. "Yes obviously he likes boys El."

     "I was just making sure!"

     Kis narrowed her eyes. "Do you like a certain boy?"

     "What?! No!" Newt flushed. He was a terrible liar.

     "You totally do!" El exclaimed happily. "Oh my god who?! Is it Scott? Scott's hot. Oh my god we can go boy hunting around the mansion! That's how me and Kis found yo-"

     "El settle down!" Kis snapped as she tried to settle her friend down.

     Newt's blush was replaced by a soft smile. "So you guys don't care then?"

    "Why would we care?" Kis asked, actual confusion on her face.

    "I don't know it's jus-"

    "Wait!" Rose piped up. "How do guys it?"

     Newt broke out into a fit of laughter while Kis just shook her head and groaned loudly.

August 2nd, 2002

     Newt was silent as Lisa strapped his wrists in the iron cuffs Thomas and El were in just a few days ago.

     Minho and Kis were held next to him, matching cuffs on their wrists.

     The pure fury was evident on Newt's face as he glared at the woman he hated most in the world. She gently ruffled Thomas' hair and pressed a kiss to his temple.

     Newt scowled. "Don't pretend like you like him you fuckin wh-"

     "Newt," Minho warned. "Settle down."

     "It's quite alright, his spite is adorable." Lisa grinned as she sat down in the big wooden chair against the wall. "Now let me ask you something my dear invisible boy. How does it feel to have the people you love taken away from you huh?"

     Newt tried to spit on her, he missed which just made Lisa laugh.

     "He might not remember me, but I remember him. He'll fall in love with me a hundred times over, you don't know us."

     "Oh but that's where you're wrong, I do know you. I know all about the cab you and Thomas met in, I know all about Teresa and how he just couldn't love her because his mind was only focused on you. I know that the only reason he destroyed our army of over a thousand men was because you were hurt and his biggest fear is, well was, losing you. I know all that Newt, do you want to know how?" The woman gently cradled Thomas' face and tapped his temple. "It's because I've been up here. Everything he knows, I know. I've been in his head, I filed through their memories. One thing I paid particular attention to is the day of the invasion, the one where you murdered my husband."

     "Don't touch him," Newt warned as he pulled on the restraints. "Get your hands off of him."

     "He's not yours anymore Newt."

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