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July 30th, 2002

9:06 am

It wasn't until what felt like days later that Thomas was pulled out of the back of that van. He knew he spent the night in there due to the lack of light coming from the window, but he didn't have the slightest idea where they were. He figured they spent the night in some sort of garage because they had stopped moving at some point and stayed there for a while. He might have fallen asleep but Thomas wasn't even sure. His body ached and his stomach growled. He wasn't even scared when the men grabbed his arms and threw him out of the van. He hit the ground with a thud, but refused to make a noise, he wouldn't give them the satisfaction of knowing that they hurt him.

"Up," the taller guy demanded as he practically spat at Thomas.

Thomas took a calming breath before standing up and stretching out his exhausted muscles. He ached a bit from whatever that wrist band did to him, but he could have been worse.

"What do you even want with me?" Thomas asked as he stood up taller. He probably looked pathetic, but it made him feel bigger.

"We," the guy started as he motioned in between himself and his smaller friend, "don't want anything with you."

"Well then who does?!" Thomas asked, feeling himself get frustrated.

"Mommy!" Little Thomas suddenly perked up as he grabbed Thomas' pant leg. "Mommy wants you!"

Thomas was about to respond when the pain flared through his body and he dropped the the floor screaming. The thing on his wrist was going crazy and his body felt like there was a knife inside ripping him open bit by bit.

"Stop! Stop!" Thomas screamed as his body went stiff and his vision started to spot black. "Stop! It hurts!"

Thomas' throat felt raw and he felt hot tears rolling down his face. He'd never felt pain like this before, he wanted Newt, all he wanted was for Newt to hold his hand and kiss his cheeks.

Suddenly, it stopped. Thomas couldn't move, his chest was heaving up and down and he was shaking. He could feel the ghost pain all over his body like it was a scarred living memory.

"Well shit, I didn't even turn it on," he heard one of the men say.

Through Thomas' spotting vision he saw the other guy shrug. "He probably tried to use his fuckin mutation."

Thomas' head felt heavy as it dropped dead and rolled slightly.

"I don't wanna carry him."

He heard a loud sigh.

"Fine, I got him."

Thomas was lifted off the ground then, he recoiled at the touch, the panic still spiking across his skin. His head was spinning due to the pain.

"I don't wanna..." Thomas mumbled as he lazily tried to move his arm.

"Settle down little fucker, we'll get you to where you need to be."

"Wanna be with Newt," Thomas mumbled as his head rolled back. His stomach felt sick, if they kept swinging him like that he was going to throw up.

"The fuck is a Newt?" one of the guys laughed.

"Please tell him," Thomas slurred as his vision went more black. "Tell him where I am."

"You're not dying you dramatic bitch," the guard snorted as he hoisted Thomas up more.

The last thing that Thomas heard was their horrifying, matching laughs before he blacked out.

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