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November 4th 1996

     "See! Look! It's the fat one!" Addison whisper yelled as she pointed through the bars on the door. "He always bumps his hips on the wall, we could totally grab the keys."

     "And then what? If we leave there will be a hundred WICKED guards on us."

     Addison smirked as she kept looking through the bars. "Nah, leave that one to me."

     Rose looked at her skeptically. "Whenever you make that face it's never a good idea."

     "Hey!" Addison frowned as she turned around. "That's not true! I always have great ideas!"

     "Yeah because trying to grab the guy's hand when he pushed the food through the door last month worked out so well."

     "They won't expect this one! Plus, I'm older so I get to make the plans."

     "You're not that much older, Addi."

     "I got you beat by a whole year, I'm twelve remember?" The girl smiled like it was the biggest accomplishment ever.

     Suddenly Rose got quiet as she looked at the floor.

     "Hey, what's wrong? It's okay that you're littl..."

     "No," Rose said quickly. "That's not it."

     "Well then what is?"

     "When we get out of here," the girl stated softly, "I don't have a home to go back to."

     "Yeah you do stupid," Addison lightly rolled her eyes when Rose looked at her.


     "It's with me. We might not have a house or anything but as long as we're's a home to me."

     Addison didn't even protest when Rose practically tackled her into a hug.

July 31st, 2002

2:08 am

     It took Newt forever to fall asleep that night. They slept in shifts. When it was Newt and Kis' turn to sleep Minho went all rock mode and carried them so they could keep moving. Kis was a wreck, she wouldn't show it of course, but Newt could tell by the way she twitched in her sleep and how she walked with her head down. When Minho slept they stopped because two skinny blondes were no match for a boy made of literal rock. They'd be dead exhausted if they got ambushed.

      When Newt finally fell asleep curled into Minho's chest he was jolted awake by a loud noise.

     "What the fuc-" Newt trailed off as he looked around him. He was no longer in Minho's arms, he was in a dark room with barely any lighting and an oddly freezing cold floor.

     "Newt?" he heard softly from the corner.
Newt turned around so quick he almost gave himself whiplash, he'd know that voice anywhere.


     Finally he could see him, it was almost like the brunette boy appeared out of nowhere. He was sitting in the corner of the room, his back against the wall and god was Tommy hot, but in that state he looked like shit. Newt was over to him in an instant.

     "Hey," he said softly as he cupped his face in his hands. "You okay?"

     Thomas nodded as he reached for Newt. "I fucked up so bad."

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