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July 22nd, 2002

"Can you please stop telling everyone you're stoned?" Newt groaned as he watched Minho flex his arm.

"But get it Newt?" Minho asked as he smirked and flexed again. "I'm stone, so I'm stoned."

"Minho, literally no one here finds you funny."

"I found it funny," El piped up from her spot on the floor.

Minho whooped and high fived her.

"She's only saying that because she's your girlfriend." Newt rolled his eyes as he leaned back into Thomas' body. They were piled in the brunette boy's room again. Minho managed to get a radio somehow, it probably wasn't legal so they never asked. The small thing was plugged into the corner, the volume on low because if anyone knew they had it, they'd be swarmed with more kids begging to use it.

"If Hank comes in here looking for edibles I'm gonna actually lose my shit," Newt said as Minho flexed yet again.

" you actually have edibles?" Minho asked as he stopped whatever he was doing with his arm.

"Minho how the bloody hell would I have edibles?"

Minho shrugged before he hooked his arm around El's shoulders and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek.

Newt leaned his head back and smiled up at Thomas. "Hi."

Thomas smiled and softly kissed his nose. "Hello."

Kis was asleep, her stomach pressed to the floor and her crossed arms acting like a pillow. She wasn't making any noise but no one dared touch her. Honestly, the girl was pretty scary when she first woke up.

"I saw some of the new kids today," El said as she leaned back into Minho.

"How'd they look?" Newt asked as he pulled Thomas' arms to wrap around his waist.

"There was a tall blonde boy, looked kinda buff too uh the girl had long brown hair and she was with another guy. I don't remember much about him but I know he had really weird eyebrows."

"Did they look pathetic?" Newt asked as he pushed Thomas' hand under his shirt so he would rub his stomach.

"You're like a fucking cat," Thomas huffed as he pressed a soft kiss to Newt's temple.


"Yeah like Thomas was. He was so skittish and kept whining about how Newtie was mean to him." Minho snickered as Thomas flipped him off with his free hand.

"Hey I was pretty fuckin mean to him." Newt snorted as he patted Thomas' thigh.

Thomas pinched Newt's stomach lightly which made him squirm.

"That's only because you thought he was cute." Minho rolled his eyes as he played with the ends of El's hair.

"He is cute." Newt pouted as he looked up at Thomas. "My cute little good boyfriend."

Minho snorted. "You got him trained really well. He pets you so obediently."

Newt grinned as Thomas kept moving his hand across the smooth skin of his stomach. Thomas knew that Newt loved it when he did it so he never refused. Newt was a lot more open about the fact that he loved being touched. Thomas counted it as a win.

"I wish I could train you like that," El said as she looked at Minho.

Minho glared at her before dive tackling her which turned into a full blown wrestling match on the ground.

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