The Journey of a Wonderful Queen

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(Requested by the amaaaaaaaaazing CinderEverdeen11! Thank you sooooo much for my first request in quite a while!)

Type: One shot

Pairing: Bard x Female (Elf!) Reader

Translations: Nin cóon, Legolas = my prince, Legolas

Warning: LOOOOOOOONG... Also, I have no idea why I wrote this with such a long journey, and, uh, I hope it works with the storyline. :p


I pull back the arrow, silent as the night's sky, aimed perfectly straight at the target. I draw my breath and release the arrow. It flies straight and true, hitting the direct center of the tree knob target with a satisfying 'thunk!' I smirk at my success and move my hand to reach for another arrow.

"Keara." I freeze.

Turning around with as much dignity as I can muster, I say, "Nin cóon, Legolas." He raises an eyebrow and replies coolly, "What are you doing out here? The king would not be happy." I roll my eyes and ignore him, slinging my bow across my back. As I head over to the tree and pull out the arrow, what he says makes me pause: "He has ordered the gates closed. No one can enter or leave." I turn around and look at him, surprised, and he continues, "Tauriel left." I nod. Of course he'd go after her, I've known for years that the Prince of Mirkwood harbors affection towards her. I follow him back to the clearing where a majestic horse waits patiently. He climbs on and offers me his hand. I take it and swing on behind him. Little do I know how much that simple gesture will change the course of my life...

We ride to the river and find Tauriel staking out the rocks. There is blood and the scent of evil remains. I frown. "A battle between orcs and a company of fourteen was fought along these riverbanks. One of them was injured." Legolas raises eyebrow at me, but I brush his disbelief off with a simple, "You'll find I am quite intuitive, nin cóon." He does not reply and I see Tauriel turning this way. Legolas raises his bow and she does the same. They exchange a few words before she requests we follow her to find the Company of Thorin Oakenshield, the group of whom fought this battle in escape from our Mirkwood kingdom. "Do I have a choice?" I remark wryly, and we set off on foot.

A long while passes as we track the dwarves all the way to Laketown, far north. I can see the Lonely Mountain high and proud on the horizon beyond the water-bound city. We fight off a legion of orcs looking to kill the dwarves left behind in one of the residents' homes, Tauriel saves one from dying and he falls SO in love with her, and I calm and comfort the children. Legolas glances at me once before leaving to chase after the orcs that attacked us. Then the dragon attacks. There is fire and screams everywhere. There isn't enough room for us all in one boat, so I take the children and get them out of the town gone up in flames in a smaller vessel. Once we are on the opposite shore and safe, I turn back and face the town just in time to see the dragon fall with a thundering roar.

My cheer is the first heard among the survivors and all of a sudden, they look to me for hope as they begin to praise whomever has saved the remnants of their town from the evil dragon's fire. I am swarmed by men, women, and children, old and young, they all swarm to me and I do my best to take a sort of leadership role, handing out the measly supplies that were saved and brought ashore. I glance over to the side at one point to see the dwarves saying farewell to Tauriel. The one who has clearly fallen for her is smiling until he spots Legolas standing behind her. Drama... I shake my head and turn back to the next person waiting for food and warm blankets and startle. It is a man, a very ugly man at that, dressed in women's clothes and glaring harshly at me. "Um, sir, women and children take priority-" He snarls and tries to take the blanket from my hands, but I keep my grip strong. "Give me that, you filthy-"

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