i. - the angel

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I hated going to sleep. That's when they ruled.

You know how people used the term 'face your demons' like it's the easiest thing in the world? For me, it wasn't. Isn't.

I don't know how most people's demons looked but I felt like they weren't even identical to what mine looked like.

It was always the same eight..no, nine boys. There was a new one who showed up now. He was only a child, barely younger than me.

They all, each and every one of them, had the same eyes. Eyes that looked like freshly spilled blood, almost like their hearts were bleeding from their sockets. Each looked different in their own way but it was always the same chilling eyes that glared and lingered, causing a chill to go down my spine.

The one I saw the most was the newest and youngest one who had black shaggy hair and his innocent demeanor, the one I saw the least was probably the oldest looking one with his tired under-eye bags and curly brown hair, he gave off a father type of vibe.

I had seen all of them ever since I was thirteen, my mother claimed it was night terrors but I knew that no human still had night terrors at age eighteen.

Tonight was no exception...but it was a rare sight, for all of them were here. I had never seen them all together, it was usually one or two and it was even rare to see three at once. They were surrounded in a circle and I was in the center as their whispers echoed through my mind while they stared down at me.

"What do we do?" I hear one say, possibly the youngest,"How long has she been like this?"

The one with neon orange-hair says with a playful smirk on his face, his hair bouncing as he responds,"As long as we've allowed her to be."

"But..isn't this dangerous? Won't she tell somebody?"

The oldest looking one places a hand on the youngest's shoulder,"No one will ever believe her."

"How do you know?"

Three of the nine of them look up with devilishly evil smiles on their faces, their eyes almost glowing bright red with excitement, one has bright orange hair like a highlighter, one has dark brown hair and is the tallest of the three of them, and the other one has black hair and is taller than me by probably an inch or two.

The one with bright orange hair shows his teeth almost amusingly,"Don't worry," he nods to the brown haired one,"we'll take care of that.."

I feel all feeling leave my body and my brain feels like it's on fire before it travels down my body.

I want to scream but it gets bottled up inside of me, my mouth opening to let it out but nothing happening. It burns in my throat while the room or the boys starts spinning around me.

The youngest looking worried for me the most. I feel my heart race.

Boom. Boom. Boom...

It stops.


I sit straight up and look around, light filling up my senses, to only see my bedroom.

Sunlight streams through the curtains and I feel a bead of sweat drip down my temple. I don't wipe it as I'm paralyzed with fear, my breathing is shaky and my heart skips every other beat.

I suddenly grab my chest, searching for my heartbeat.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

I'm still alive. I'm okay.

It keeps getting worse, these dreams. These terrors. These demons.

I just wanted to find a way to get rid of them. To save myself from them. To find some sort of relief. To get a good night's sleep for once in my life.

But, still, as I think back, I feel my heart soften for the newest member of their cult and how he looked so worried for me. How someone actually cared for me.

How, for once, I felt some sort of contentment. All because of the youngest demon that is probably the biggest angel.

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