xv. - the impulse

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I woke up the day after with my mind in a cloudy state. With everything that was happening, I just wanted to go home.

I didn't even know why I was dragged here in the first place! I mean, sure, the nightmares began coming at a minimum now the past few nights..but I couldn't hardly stand being here with the overly dramatic, crazy male-period that they all seemed to be having at the same time.

After getting dressed, I decided to stalk around the warehouse while trying to clear my head. I blatantly avoided the guys so I could stop feeling so stressed.

As my thoughts ran rampant with the thoughts of yesterday, I stumbled upon a dead end and saw an abandoned duffle bag covered with dust. I looked behind me before getting an insane idea.

What if I just...left?

I stare at the duffle bag for a few lingering seconds with my head cocked slightly to the side.

Would they care?

As I tiptoed towards the duffle bag, a hand outstretched, I suddenly heard footsteps behind me and I whipped around, suddenly seeing the silhouette of a boy. It was bad that after a few days, I already knew whose silhouette it was.

The lights above Hyunjin flickered as he made his way towards me, I noted his arms crossed across his chest,"What are you doing?"


"Somi.." he stared deeply into my eyes,"I've walked past here so many times to know what you're thinking when finding that bag.." he gives me a caring look, something that I knew was rare for him,"I've thought it multiple times myself...but..you can't run away from your problems.." he sounds like he understands perfectly.

But he doesn't.

"My problems? Try the whole District's!" I try to keep my voice down but let it all out anyway,"I don't even know what's wrong with all of you and now I'm here, dealing with all of you guys' issues!"

Hyunjin stares at me before he sighs deeply,"Somi..all of this concerns you too, you just don't see it yet."

"Shouldn't Minho be telling me this? Ya know, the psychic one?"

He sighs again before he shakes his head,"Just..think about what you're considering before you take action.."

He begins walking away and is about ten feet down the hallway before the lights above him burst and sent sparks all around him.

"What the hell?!" He jumps back and pats his body in a frenzy, trying to not catch fire to his clothes.

"Uh..you okay?"

"What just happened?!" He ignores my question,"That was so-"

Suddenly all the lights down the hallway burst and go out, exploding and showering sparks all around us. My phone chimes in my back pocket and I look at it to see it going insane, the screen glitching and smoke coming out of the charging port.

"Hyunjin, what's going-?"

My phone suddenly shuts off for a few seconds before the screen shatters, the whole phone becoming hot. Hyunjin makes his way over to me again and taps my phone to try and help but seizes up, his whole body tensing and his eyes rolling into the back of his head.

He suddenly collapses onto the floor and curls into the fetal position.

"Hyunjin!" I kneel down next to him and put my hand on his shoulder, suddenly get an electric shock. I jump back in pain as his eyes flutter open. He blinks a few times and sits up.

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