xi. - the sign

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I decided to stay at The District that night, hoping that by tomorrow, all of this would be resolved. That I could get a good night's sleep for once.

I was taken to the room I had woken up in a couple hours ago by Chris whom seemed worried for my own well-being as well as his compadres.

He leaned against the doorframe as I tried to act like he wasn't there while sitting on the bed and covering myself with the blanket.

I leaned down to cover my whole body with the blanket and I suddenly hear Chris say,"If you need anything, come find one of us. We're usually awake twenty-four seven."

I nod while shutting my eyes tightly and I hear the door close softly. I suddenly remember his words,'We're usually awake twenty-four seven.'

That phrase was strange to me, especially one word from it that I feel myself mutter,"'Usually'?"


It took a couple hours, but I eventually started dozing off somehow. It was weird how my mind was buzzing and then it was like all my thoughts disappeared. I couldn't understand. I can't.

What is happening to my life?

I thought as I was on the edge of jumping into my own personal hell known as sleep.

It was the last day of school this morning..now I'm here..

My final thoughts stop and I find myself in darkness. A long, chillingly silent darkness. In a slow gradient, I can hear them. The voices. This was how they always began.

I couldn't move, like my veins were filled with concrete and my muscles burned to move. I suddenly hear it.

Softly yet clearly. My heart almost stops.

That laugh. The darkness lightens ever so slightly before I see them. Those eyes.

'..pulsating in and out like a light..' had been my earlier thoughts of them.

His silhouette comes closer. The light barely shines on him. Seungmin's laugh continues to echo around my skull as his twisted smile contorts on his lips.

I'm scared. Petrified. Paralyzed.

My face goes blank with fear.

He sees. He stops.

I see something I never thought I'd ever see from him. His eyes soften. He looks at me with worry striking every inch of him.

He kneels down to get close to me. I feel his cold hand brush my cheek and a whisper that left me haunted,"I didn't mean to scare you, Somi..I don't want to hurt you, I never wanted to.."

And, somehow, I felt it in my heart to believe him as he caressed my cheek. For once, I wasn't scared of him. Not even the slightest bit.




My mind repeats her name as I feel myself fall into a deep sleep. I don't remember where I had fallen asleep but all I knew was I heard myself slam against the concrete that covered all the floors of our warehouse. It wasn't uncomfortable since I couldn't hardly tell from going to sleep so quickly but it freaked everyone else out.

My vision turns black as I stare for a few seconds into space before fluttering my eyes shut in the feeling of syrup dripping off the side of a table.

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