iv. - the zodiac

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I could tell something wasn't right as soon as he stepped foot in here. If only they understood and believed me.

Now they were looking for him, looking in every corner of where he could be or where he could be sleeping.

Jisung refused to look in the shower and everyone laughed at his outburst. Woojin ended up checking the shower. He wasn't there.

They thought I was being lazy and heartless when I just sat back and watched them try and find the missing boy they hoped was okay. They knew I couldn't give a shit. He was trouble since the beginning.

The one who was worried the most was Minho, I could tell that he was almost in tears when they started checking the abandoned rooms we never even went into at all.

I sat in the main warehouse, looking at my blood-stained fingernails, when I suddenly heard Chan yell,"Found something!"

I couldn't help my curiosity as I made my way towards the noise of shoe soles squeaking and running feet. I found them in the hallway that lead to Chan's designated office quarters in a room that was right next to the office.

The door was wide open as they all filed inside and I noticed what they were looking at. There were shoe prints on the dust-encrusted floor. "Minho," Chan snaps his attention,"what shoe size does Jeongin wear?"

I notice Minho's tears in his eyes,"Uh..I think 260 to 265 millimeters."

"Is anybody else that shoe size?"

Everyone shakes their head and talks about how their shoe sizes are smaller or larger and I roll my eyes,"If you guys shut up for a second," they all turn to me,"maybe you'd hear me say that my shoe size is 260 to 265."

Chan furrows his eyebrows,"I thought you didn't care."

"To be honest, I would trade Jeongin for a slice of bread even though we don't eat food, but all of you have soft spots for him so whatever," I take off my shoe,"I want it back when you're done with it."

Chan takes it from me and crouches down before placing it down onto the shoe print and everyone starts panicking when it's a perfect fit.

"Where could he be?" Minho worries aloud,"Are you sure we checked everywhere?"

"We didn't check Chan's office," Woojin states.

Everyone looks at Woojin before turning to Chan in unison. "Why would he be..?" Chan starts but then becomes silent and chuckles to himself,"So that's why I always feel like I'm being watched in there.."

He stands up off the ground before walking past everyone and making his way to next door.

We follow him and we notice him staring at a piece of crumpled up paper laying on the ground,"What? Why are you staring at that?" I question as his expression hardens.

"I don't crumple up my paper when I toss it." I scoff as I look around the paper scattered area,"No shit, Sherlock."

Chan picks the paper up off the ground hesitantly before he unfolds it and nearly drops it,"Oh no."

He starts pacing around the room, running his hands through his hair,"Oh no, no, no, no-"

"What's wrong?" Minho asks, worry strung across his voice like clothes drying on a laundry line.

"He..I..." Chan crouches onto the ground and then looks up at a bulletin board on the wall that Woojin was currently poking around at. He sighs before standing up and unfolds the paper so we could see what was written on it.

I feel my eyes crinkle,"What does this have to do with Jeongin?"

"He..he must think that I'm planning on.." His face somehow turns paler than it already is before he groans,"Jeongin thinks that I was planning on us hunting on her."

Minho perks up,"We're..not actually, right?"

"No, that wasn't what I had in mind at all.." He continues to sigh,"Since it's getting worse, the visions, I wanted to..to figure out why she was invading our thoughts."

"How were we going to do that?" I stare at him.

Chan looks around at all of us mournfully before he looks down at the paper,"By meeting her in person."

Everyone starts protesting about how dangerous this was but Minho and Felix who were silent. I expected Felix to be silent since he's barely spoken to anybody since even before I arrived but for Minho to be silent was rare.

He looks like he's deep in thought before he suddenly says,"If it brings Jeongin back, I'm in."

I laugh lowly and then higher with every second that passes by,"Of course you do."

"Not everyone is like you, Seungmin. We actually care for his well-being."

I love how Minho thinks he can talk to me the way he does just because he's a 'negotiator' or whatever job Chan gave him. It's just a glorified title for being able to talk.

"You know," I point to Chan,"I warned you about him. From the very beginning. Now look at what's happened. He's doing God knows what, probably telling this girl all our secrets and what we are.." I get up in Chan's face,"You don't even know where he is, do you?"

Chan looks at the ground and then at the bulletin board,"Yes, I actually do."

Minho perks up,"Where?"

Chan walks over to the bulletin board and points to a note with the words 'Forester High School' printed on it,"He's here."

"How do you know?"

He smiles at my remark,"Because he's smart."


As soon as we walked into the disgusting building known as Forester High School, I felt my nose crinkle in a horrible smell known as human teenagers.

I swung my empty backpack across my back as it hung over one shoulder, my leather jacket clinging onto the strap so it wouldn't slide off.

Chan stands next to me before he let me wander off to look for our youngest, which I didn't want to but was being forced to, and places his hand on my left shoulder, knowing how much it irks me when people touch me,"Don't get any bright ideas..it's a school, remember? These kids have families."

I didn't even blink,"So did we," then I shove his hand off my shoulder,"I'll be careful." Giving my word for once.

As I walked past hallways, some kids smiled at me while some snarled.

I'm just glad that Chan had gotten us colored contacts before we left.

He had supposedly gotten them weeks ago and wanted to wait to tell us his plan, knowing how much we'd all protest.

But that was before Jeongin disappeared.

Looking at all the kid's around me made me laugh in irony.

I wonder if they have any idea that a zodiac killer is among them.

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