xvii. - the unforgivable

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"Who does she think she is anyway?" I scoff and mumble as I kick the brick wall I walk past,"Trying to tell me not to touch the stupid rusted knife.."

I hadn't touched it but still. Who was Somi trying to pose as to stop me from killing Felix? I mean, he was already dead. I'm sure there's some sort of death after our case.

I had heard rumors of vampires who went to Hell after their second death just because they were vampires..sure, Hell sounds a bit extreme for those who didn't choose this way of life but I guess for people like me, it made sense.

I wondered if God had mercy for the ones who didn't act like me but were still blood-feasting beasts, the ones who didn't hardly feed at all or hated to and were weighed down with the grief of their killings.

I wondered if Jeongin or Woojin would be spared, all of the others should be forgiven. It was only fair, in my mind, that I shouldn't be forgiven if the time ever came.

I'm not really religious but something tells me that something has to be there to taunt us like this.

Maybe Lucifer is a vampire and he's the one who turned us into these..

I just shake my head at the thought.

Not even Lucifer would be this heartless.

It had been a couple hours since I left the District and I couldn't stand the thought of going back now, Somi would probably kill me if she saw me again. I felt myself calm down at the thought of her gentle eyes..but then my blood boils at the memory of how livid she was over Felix.

"Felix," I spat,"is nothing but a weak bitch."

An old man who passes me looks up at me with a glare, I return it and he looks sick for a moment, clutching his stomach. I stare at the ground and he blinks a few times before walking off.

Mind your own damn business, old man.

I suddenly stopped in my tracks as I realized what I did.

I let him go.

Usually when I caught someone out here in the middle of the ghost town within ten miles of the District, I decided to take care of them before they found our hub..but I didn't even think about it.

What could be hindering my thoughts? What could possibly control my urge to..?

I stare off into space with a sparkling look in my eye,"Somi."

The thought of Somi kept me from doing it.

She..she did the unthinkable. The unattainable.

"She stopped my urge to kill," I realized I said it out loud when I suddenly heard something move behind the trees to my right.

The problem with living in a ghost town, the trees are overgrown and faded in a dead haze. Usually it was a good thing because it hid our tiny world that belonged to only us but when something was lurking in the depths of the dark forest only I was brave enough to go into, it was a curse.

I noticed a little bit of movement in the corner of my eye but when I turned, there was nothing. I raised an eyebrow but thought nothing else of it as I decided that I'd done enough walking and headed for the District, praying to an unknown being that whatever was moving in the unforgivable forest around us wasn't following me


When I reached the District, it was pitch black outside and all the lights inside the main warehouse were turned off. I flicked on a light switch to check and see if anyone was in here, I almost jumped at Minho who was bunched up in the corner.

He looked asleep, which was rare for him, with the fetal position he was currently in.

I stalked up to him before I tapped his shoulder, he didn't move. "Minho?"

I moved his shoulder a bit more forcefully,"Minho, wake up."

I slapped his arm lightly with every word I said now,"Min! Ho! Wake! Up!"

I eventually pushed him into his other side and he seemed like he was in a coma as he slumped over limply. "Min-"

Suddenly, he looked like an electric current flowed through his body as his eyes opened up as wide as they could and he levitated onto his feet.

What the fuck?!

Minho grabbed my shoulders and asked in a deep voice,"Did anybody follow you home?"


"Did anybody follow you?!" He sounded almost demonic.

"Uh, I don't think-"

"Someone's here!" He whips around and runs almost at the speed of light to the main door but once his hand touches the handle, he spasms before collapsing onto the floor.

"What in the hell..?" I run to him before noticing his eyes rolled into the back of his head,"Oh my god-help!"

I scream at the top of my lungs,"Someone help-!"

"What's wrong..?" Minho looks normal now as he groggily tries to sit up,"Did..s-something happen?"

"Minho..you, uh.." I think of a way to explain what just happened but Minho says,"I feel like I just had a bad dream."

"And what did you see?"

"Uh..Felix and Somi.." heat courses through me but now wasn't the time,"they kiss.." my eyes widen and my face goes slack,"and then I saw..uh, someone in the..shadows.."

"What? What did they look like?"

"Tall, slim..scary. His face wasn't in the the light but I could see...two blood red eyes.."

My heart feels like a heavy weight in my chest as I look around the warehouse, wondering what kind of monster of our breed could have followed me back.

"Minho, just get some rest, okay?"

"O-okay.." he stumbles off towards his room and while I was concerned of an imposing threat on the District and its inhabitants, I still couldn't help but think about one thing..

Somi kissed Felix..?

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