vi. - the undertaker

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I stare at Jeongin, waiting for him to breathe. He only did every few minutes and it freaked me out. Nobody could hold their breath for so long.

Nobody human.

I blink before I back away a few inches,"Your contacts.." he blinks,"take them out."

He sighs,"I don't have a case or anything, it would just be a waste of-"

"Please," I basically beg, noticing more of the red tint in the brown film of the contacts,"I need to see."

He takes in a deep breath and stares into my eyes for a few more seconds before he pulls down the passenger's seat visor to use the mirror implanted in it. He takes out the lenses, left one first, right one next. He turns to me. I feel fear swell in my chest.

His eyes were a blue-red that was somewhat calmer than some of the other's eyes in my dreams but it still horrifies me.

No human's eyes are naturally red.

I feel my heart stop as he starts to talk,"Somi..I'm not kidding when I say you're in danger."

"What do you mean by that?"

He licks his dry lips,"The others. My..friends. They're coming to find you."

"Your 'friends'? Do you mean the other guys I see in my dreams?"

He starts to say something but looks over my shoulder and his eyes widen,"Oh, no."

I turn around and see two other people heading towards us.

They're from my dreams, too..

I recognize one as the auburn-haired one who always wore a bandana on his face during my dreams but he no longer had one on, his face was blank as he marched his way over behind the other one.

I recognized this one too, he was the black-haired one who was as tall as me, the one that the neon orange-haired one looked at before I exploded in pain.


"I know!" He starts fumbling through my backpack and yells out,"Where are your keys?!"

"They should be-"

I hear someone knock on the window. I turn. I see the black-haired one staring through it at me. And he doesn't look happy.



As soon as Felix said that Jeongin was in the parking lot with Somi, I knew I was going to kill him..figuratively, of course.

To be honest, I was fond of Jeongin, but when he pulled crap like this, I wanted to rip his head off. He wasn't usually a lot of trouble but this crossed a line. I would know, I've crossed many while being both dead and alive.

I don't remember feeling this much rage since I was in school all those years ago and that kid stole my wallet in the middle of class.

I remember telling my dad. He yelled at me about how worthless I was. He told me that he was ashamed to have me as his heir. Too bad I was too scared to tell him that I didn't want to take on our 'family business'.

My dad was a fifth generation crime lord that went by the name 'The Ghost King'. I used to roll my eyes at the stupid name but I'd get beat for it. My dad hated it when I'd mock his gang. He hated it when I mocked him.

If it wasn't bad enough that I went to a 'troubled school', there was also the fact it was free and I had to use textbooks at the library that didn't let me rent them out because I was 'a rascal from that troubled school'. I had to go by memory.

Honestly, it helped later on with remembering names, faces, and places. Especially when I died.

I remembered exactly who killed me. The thing I don't remember is how I became what I am but I remember feeling grateful because the next day, I found out that as I was choking the guy who killed me, it was my father who had sent him to teach me to be 'more of a man'.

Next thing you know, my dad was found dead, facedown, in a ditch.

When I told this story to Chan when I met him, he gave me the job of a killer. An assassin. It basically meant that if anyone steered any of us wrong, I was to kill them.

It wasn't too long after that that the Blood-Lust Three became a group. It consists of Jisung, Seungmin, and I.

I didn't like the label because, to be honest, it kept the image of me in my head that I was a murderer. Nothing to be proud of.

As Felix and I rushed down the hallways, bumping into multiple students and into one angry principal, we made our way to the parking lot where we saw Jeongin inside of a car with Somi. I had never seen Somi more than ten times so I never saw her face much but I still remembered it, like I said, I was good at remembering stuff from my life. She looks scared. Petrified even.

But, Jeongin, somehow, looks even scared. Like he wants to just disappear. I notice his eyes were bright red..he took his contacts out.

You're not getting away from me that easily, I think as I march towards the car.

He starts rambling through a bag and yells something and Somi goes to say something back but I tap on the window.

She turns and her face turns white. Jeongin somehow turns paler.

I motion my index finger to show Somi to roll the window down and she does after about ten seconds. I lay my arms on the windowsill and give them a sarcastic smile before looking at Jeongin.

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in?!" I yell through clenched teeth.

His head hangs low,"I'm sorry, hyung.."

I sigh with aggravation and back a few steps away from the car,"Do you know what would've happened if Seungmin was here? He would've hurt you as much as possible and-"

"I'm just glad he's not," Jeongin mutters under his wasteful breath.

Somi looks between us and at Felix a couple times,"Who are you?" Her fearful tone was back.

I glare at Jeongin,"I think the real question is.." I stare into her eyes,"Who are you?"

I can sense her heart skipping every few beats and I want to laugh.

She probably thinks that I'm her undertaker..but, not today.


This is so stupid, I think to myself as I pace the room, We're going to-

I suddenly hear a door open and I turn around to see Jisung heading to the back door,"Hey," he turns,"Where ya going?"

"Too much excitement right now..just going for a walk," he then laughed maniacally as he leaves the building.

Damn, I hate that creepy..



I don't know how I got here. I don't know who they are. Who they really are, anyway.

I wake up in a dark room, a gray, soft blanket covering me. I feel a soft mattress underneath me. I look around and it looks like I'm in an empty, abandoned office. And I suddenly shriek when I see that there's a dark figure standing in the corner of the room.

"Who are you?!" I scream as I throw a pillow at them.

I hear slight laughing before they emerge from the shadows.

I recognized him as the one with curly brown hair,"I'm Bang Chan," he sits on the edge of the mattress,"but you can call me Chris."

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