iii. - the insomniac

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They didn't know what I was planning. What I was slaving over for the past six months. What I was doing while sitting in my little rinky-dink makeshift office in our abandoned warehouse we inhabited.

I named it when we first got here, a perk of being the first one of our clan was that I had the authority to do things like that, we called it The District. Our District.

I chuckle in remembrance of what Minho had told me that Jeongin had responded with when he told him the name of our residence,'He said we should call it 'District 9' since there's nine of us now.'

'What? Like the movie?'

He had shrugged but I will admit that I still thought of calling it that just for Jeongin's sake. Poor kid had been through way too much in his young life..also, it had a nice ring to it.

I sit back in my old and cracked leather office chair, a plus I had found outside a dark corner of the warehouse that was still covered in a white powder that I really hoped wasn't what I thought it was, as I think about how this would work. How we could actually pull this off.

I groan and lean over the lopsided foldout table that served as my desk, touching my forehead against the cold surface, calming me down.

Ever since I had become what I am today, the cold comforts me. Weird considering how much I used to hate it. I squeeze my eyes shut and suddenly feel a wave of jealously for Jeongin.

What I'd give to be able to sleep.

It was fascinating when he first arrived and I caught him snoozing on the concrete floor of the main warehouse, the only thing covering him was a moth-eaten, dirty plastic tarp while he shivered in his sleep.

I wanted to tell him that the cold never went away but I thought it best just to let him rest as long as he could. I had never met another one of us who could actually fall into a deep sleep like him, it was strange but we've all gotten used to finding him passed out wherever he drops now.

I heard from Woojin the other day that he actually scared Jisung because he found him asleep in the shower tub when he was going to rinse off all the dust and blood that covered his clothes from his recent hunt.

I smile at the thought of the neon-haired, blood-lusting teenager jumping out of his skin over a boy who wasn't much younger than him.

With that thought, I sit up again and stare at the bulletin board super-glued onto the wall with all my notes. I sigh and take one off the board and read it over and over until I think to myself.

It's now or never.

I stare at the note before muttering aloud,"It's time."

I just wish that I could get some sleep and not look like an insomniac.



I don't think he knew I had been doing this since the beginning, peeking in when he said he wanted to be alone..but, I was their newsboy, I was meant to be curious, right?

It started when I was scared, afraid they'd kick me out and leave me to the dangerous and cruel world that we continued to ravage like a pack of wild wolves.

Wolves, my nose crinkles at the thought, how stupid I must be to compared ourselves to those savages..but I guess we weren't much better.

I remember peeking in the first time, anxiety pumping through my veins with the thought of him writing down some order for the Blood-Lust Three to get rid of me.

In reality, he had been writing down what my job was, what I was of use for. What I could do that could prove Seungmin wrong. That I was actually worth something.

I gaze into our leader's 'office' and realize how progressively messier it had gotten in the past few weeks. Water-stained paper scattered the floor while dust collected on the shelf on the back wall that was filled with fire-tinged books in mismatched order.

His brown, curly hair bounces as he looks around a bulletin board he had been staring at for the past five minutes before he stands up, making his chair scrape across the floor with a shriek.

I watch intention as he picks a Post It note off its pin on the board and stares at it for about a full minute before he mutters aloud,"It's time," and tosses the note onto the floor.

He makes his way towards the door and I feel myself scurry back as I enter an abandoned room next to his office that I always used to hide when he almost caught me eavesdropping. I heard his echoing light footsteps walk down the hallway, heading towards the main warehouse area before I leave the room and step quietly into Chris' office.

I see the upside-down note on the ground and I pick it up, sighing as I close my eyes. I turn the note over and breathe out, something I had become accustomed to even though there was no need, opening my eyes ever so slightly before feeling all my emotions drain out of me as I read the note with three circles around it and underlined, bold letters..

Who is Somi Jeon?

My nonexistent heart figuratively stops as I think about Chris' words,'It's time' and I had an idea of what he meant.

I crumple the note in my fist as I stare at the board some more, noticing a very detailed sketch of the girl I saw every night.

I drop the note onto the ground, watching it fall before it bounces on the floor twice and staying in one spot. I glance between the sketch and the ball and breathe in once more before thinking of something so dangerous that it could put us all in danger.

The 'something' that Seungmin had thought of when I first arrived.

I have to save her, I think to myself, I have to tell her.



I didn't want to go to school today, even if it was the last day of school for me forever. I just wanted to stay home and stay in bed all day or binge watch some TV show or maybe even write a bit in a book I had been writing.

One thing that made me feel sane was my writing, it was all I did when I couldn't sleep at night. Something that kept the demons from getting in.

As I pull into the school's parking lot with my mother's car she let me borrow this morning, I feel my heart get heavy with the depressing fact that I had to go into the school today.

I groan before I open the car door and swing my legs out, grabbing my backpack from the passenger's seat. I lock the car doors before I suddenly feel someone tap my shoulder, I jump around and look behind me to see a teenage boy who was a few inches taller than me..but I feel the blood rush from my face as I could barely breathe.

It was him. It was the fallen angel from my dreams.

I feel myself become lightheaded and almost topple over as he watches me worriedly, I notice his eyes weren't red but more of a brownish-black color.

Once I pull myself into composure, I stare at him for a good full minute before he smirks and says with the same exact voice from my dreams,"Hi, I'm Jeongin."

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