Gerard Way x Reader || Unexpected Score

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WARNING- Occasional use of swearing

Italics mean Flashback (but I'll warn ya anyway)

(Y/N)- Your name

(Y/E/C)- Your eye colour

(Y/P/N)- Your phone number


Gerard watched you from afar. And yes, he hoped it wasn't as creepy as it sounded.

I mean, he had been trying to figure out what to say to you for over 2 hours now, and he was beyond frustrated with himself. Even Mikey, his very introverted little brother, had gone up and exchanged a few words with you.

You on the other hand, were relaxed and in your zone, sitting on top of a big amp, sketching to your heart's content. Sketching away, your hand skimmed across a new page of your sketchbook, completely oblivious to MCR's lead singer's stare.

'Dude, legit just go talk to her, she's really cool, and I promise she won't kill you.' Frank said, startling Gerard, when his tattoo-covered hand slammed down on his shoulder.

'But what if-' Gerard let out a small squeak, when Frank began pushing him in the back towards you. 'Frank stop!' He hissed, trying to stop the small man's pushes. 'How the fuck are you this strong!?'

Frank laughed loudly, and you looked up through your hair smiling at the sight of Frank pushing Gerard toward you. You liked Frank, he was a dork at heart and was super nice, plus he had a bunch of cool tattoos. Gerard on the other hand, you couldn't say anything for, other than the fact that he's cute. He was the only member of MCR you had not met, let alone, talked to.


'Hey I'm Frank, you must be (Y/N)?' You looked up at Frank and smiled.

'Yep, that would be mwah.' You said, holding your hand out.

Frank smiled back and took your hand shaking it gently. Your (Y/E/C) eyes widened as you looked past Frank and watched a man with long, greasy black hair trip over a one of the many wires covering the floor.


Frank groaned and put his head in his palms, while you cringed and asked Frank if he was okay.

'Yeah, he'll be fine...' Frank sighed, looking up to Gerard and sighing, as he got up quickly and ran behind some stage curtains.

'What's his name..?' You asked, kinda wanting to know who the adorkable clumsy dude was.

'That's Gerard..our singer..' You giggled, at Frank's exasperated face and he smiled at the noise.

'He doesn't act like that on stage does he?' You asked.

It was Frank's turn to laugh. 'Nah, he's just shy cause he finds you cute.'

You blushed, your ears going pink. '' Frank smirked and quirked and eyebrow at you.

'What's with the reaction, buttercup?' His smirk growing bigger by the second.

'He's kinda cute too..' You mumbled, rubbing the back of your neck, shrugging.

'So, you're the guitarist?' You quickly said, trying to change the subject and bring down your flaming cheeks. Frank grinned cheekily. 'The one and only.'

'I call bullshit, little man!' A tall guy with an Afro said walking forward smiling, a lanky guy wearing glasses following in pursuit.

'Ray, the other, better guitarist.' Afro guy smiled. You shook his hand firmly and smiled past him to the guy with the glasses.

'I'm the bassist, Mikey.' The lanky guy offered quietly.

'It's awesome to meet both of you.' You grinned up at them, feeling even shorter next to them, rather than Frank.

Ray smiled widely, and to the others surprise, so did Mikey.

'You turned my big brother into a awkward mess,' Mikey laughed lightly, fixing his black beanie.

'Gerard's your older brother?' You said, only having seen a glimpse of him earlier.

'One and only.' Mikey said, and Frank poked his tongue at him, making you giggle.

'Like I said, Gerard is just shy cause your cute,' Frank said, making you blush again. 'He'll come by eventually, and if not, I can very easily use force.' He cracked his knuckles, and you seriously hoped he was joking.


'I thought you were fucking kidding, Frank.' You thought to yourself before quickly shifting your eyes back to your sketchbook.

'Frank, please man,' Gerard begged him.

'Sorry, dude, its for ya own good,' Frank replied, not sounding one bit sorry, as he grinned. 'Frank, you little fucker-' Gerard's tone switching fast, before stumbling onto the ground at Frank's shove.

You gasped when Gerard landed at your feet on his hands and knees, and Frank smiled cheekily, quickly bolting for it.

'You reckon it'll work?' Ray asked, from his spot behind the huge amps.

'Absolutely, people call me the love-maker.' Frank panted, wiggling his eyebrows, also taking refuge amongst the amps. 'We've already agreed that nobody ever calls you that.' Mikey grunted, slightly grossed out.


Gerard looked up at you with wide eyes. Fuck..he was in front of you, he thought. You gave a small giggle at his terrified expression, and he flushed bright red, quietly cursing his pale skin.

'Hey there, Gerard.' You said, getting off the amp and kneeling in front of him. 'I'm (Y/N).'

'Holy fuck, she knows my name,' Gerard said, slightly to loud. It was now your turn to flush bright red. 'Well, Frank helped out with that.' You rubbed the back of your neck.

Gerard, if possible, went even redder, and he lightly smiled at you, his stomach fluttering when you returned it. Grabbing a sticky note from the front of your sketchbook, you quickly wrote something down.

You sunk onto your knees, and Gerard's smile turned nervous. You let out another giggle, and stuck the sticky note to his forehead.

As you stood, you booped your finger on his nose and walked off, sketchbook and pencils in hand.

Gerard sighed and rubbed his nose, sitting back on his butt, not taking the sticky note off. Hearing Frank's laughing approach, he sighed again.

'Good job, man. You really wooed her with your silent gaze,' He laughed, fluttering his eyelashes dramatically.

'Shut up, asshole.' Gerard said sulkily, waving his hand at him, pouting.

'Nah, seriously, good job. Ya got her number.' Frank said, pointing to his forehead.

'What..?' Gerard quickly took the the sticky note of his forehead, reading it and smiling widely at Frank, who gave him the thumbs up.

'Coffee sometime?' (Y/P/N)- (Y/N) :)



A/N- And that's the end of my first imagine!

I really hope you liked it, and will read up-coming ones in the slow future.



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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