The Ninja during finals week

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- you know those panic attacks that he gets every so often on the show?

- yeah

- that's him every two seconds

- not a minute goes by without him screaming bloody murder

- he somehow always has a cup of coffee on him

- bump into someone in the halls? coffee

- studying? coffee

- frikin 4am burning his eyes out on a computer screen? coffee

- still somehow gets a decent sleep every night

- he is literally constantly shaking it's not even funny

- someone give this poor boy a hug


- if he threatens to kill you he's not joking he's being dead serious

- cannot form a sentence without using at least two swear words

- "cOuLd yOu sTOp fUCkiNg BReAtHiNg sO LOuD yOu fUCkiNg iDiOt"

- don't go beyond two metres of his 'focus bubble'

- doesn't have a shower all week

- his room is a huge mess

- jesus can walk on water but can he walk in Kai's room during finals? 

- probably not

- only gets five hours of sleep every night

- at the end of the week he'll just break down crying

- but when the week is over he just kinda continues w/ life as if nothing happened


- he is crying inside constantly

- he kinda loses the ability to accomplish normal everyday tasks

- zane: what are you doing?

  cole: having my pot noodle

  zane: but you forgot to add the water

  cole: ...

  zane: you are literally just eating the powder 

  cole: lmao

- he tried to keep himself up all week but it didn't work

- he ended up passing out on day two and woke up the next day

- he keeps beating himself up about it

- he stress eats

- seriously he eats too much and not only that but it's super unhealthy and he needs to stop before he gets ill

- adds sugar to literally anything 

- he's not fine :)


- you'd think he has his shit together but

- oh no...

- you couldn't be more wrong

- he programmed himself to study and only study

- "nah I don't need to eat"

- "...or sleep"

- he's still supportive of the others

- he carried Jay to his bed when he fell asleep reading a textbook in the cupboard

- he makes Cole healty snacks (and makes his pot noodles for him properly)

- he tries to tidy Kai's room if he lets him

- but he would walk into walls occasionally because he's that stressed out

- zane.exe has stopped working


- he left the rooms at the beginning of the week with a backpack and a sleeping bag and hasn't been back since

- the others don't question it

- don't worry he's at the library tho

- he has a small desk there

- the librarian has told him multiple times to "please leave because it's 1am and you've been here for eleven hours"

- but he doesn't leave because he has officially run out of fucks to give

- he got so bored at one point that he spent an entire day watching shane dawson videos on his laptop

- instantly regretted it

- on another occasion he was reading through maths textbooks one second and a while later he was suddenly holding a Biff and Chip book

- gets distracted too easily and he hates it

- he seriously never leaves the library until the week is over

- orders pizza to the library and has it so often that it becomes gross 


- i s  t h e  o n l y  o n e  w h o  i s  s t i l l  m e n t a l l y  s t a b l e

- she tries to take care of the guys but she started avoiding them because their insane, stressed out state is contageous

- i genuinely applaud her for getting her shit together

- although she is still pretty stressed but less so

- she is wise

- she sometimes studies with the others

- started making sandwiches for Lloyd and delivering them to the library because seriously he can't eat pizza without nearly being sick

- she knows better than to be in the same room as her brother while he's on the verge of a murder spree

- introduced labelled coffee mugs for everyone but they just lost the habit of caring and used each other's mugs in the end because they're just conveniently there

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