I'm bored here's some modern slice-of-life HCs

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- Cole would wake up at five am to this really annoying muffled sound

- he'd go to the living room to inspect it

- turns out it was just Jay sitting there with the tv on testing to see if you could actually blow up a remote by pressing the buttons really rapidly

- it ended with Cole throwing the remote through the window and smashing it, waking everyone up

- Kai has asked Wu multiple times if he could get a gun but Wu said no

- he's tired of their bs

- Nya would normally wake up the earliest (not Zane he has programmed "sleep shutdown" where he wakes up at roughly the same time as the others) and she makes breakfast

- Nya and Zane are the dream team in the kitchen

- they even have matching aprons with the texts "I bless the rains" and "down in Africa"

- Lloyd and Nya came home from the supermarket and heard the guys in the bedroom saying some really weird shit

- such as:

- "finish it!" "I can't! It's too big" "take it all in" "come onnn" "just shove it in" "stop wasting time" "wait, i need to breathe for a sec" "you're so close!"

- turns out it was just Cole stuffing a HUGE cake into his mouth - his mouth was covered in chocolate icing he's on the verge of throwing up and the others were cheering him on

- Jay tried to be a vegetarian but apparently "gummy bears contain gelatin"

- Kai strives to be a badass movie protagonist

- Zane, Cole and Jay do the grocery shopping but on some occasions, the six of them would all go

- when they get home they just dump everything they bought on the table and go through each item

- Jay: who the fuck bought the orange juice with the bits in that shit is nasty

  Cole: says the guy who literally buys satsumas only because you can use the mesh to make a stress ball

- of course, Jay, Lloyd and Nya geek out a lot

- they've watched every single Marvel movie and own a shelf just for them

- Nya looks up to Natasha

- Jay's fav is Bucky

- Lloyd relates to Peter Parker

- Jay made Kai play Doki Doki Literature Club

- Kai actually started to grow attatched to Natsuki

- when shit got real, Kai had never been more terrified in his life

- Cole owns a drawing tablet

- it secretly consists mostly of drawings of Jay

- he hasn't told anyone and he doesn't want anyone to find out

- (romantic or platonic you decide) he just finds Jay really interesting to draw

- Nya can bite into ice cream and Kai then denies the two of them being related

- Jay at 1 am: ever wonder what life would be like if you didn't do that one thing

  Kai: I am giving you one more chance to shut the fuck up

- Kai has actually cooked once but only for himself

- Cole: what've you cooked there?

  Kai: make your own dinner you fucker *throws tin of microwave ravioli at Cole's head*

- as you've probably picked up, Kai has the most colourful language out of all of them

- Nya is next

- Lloyd: where the heck is my hood?

  Wu: such language is unnecessary

  Nya: yeah Lloyd what the fuck

- Zane swears the least 

- the only one who is capable of making him swear is Jay

- literally Jay is the reason for 75% of cases of bad language in this household

- whenever Zane swears it sounds like a dial tone u can hardly hear it (tlnm)

- Zane: "jAY sORrY eXCuSe mY LaNGuAgE bUt cOuLd yOU f#U!C?k%i£N$g pUt tHe BowLs aWAy wHEn yOu'Re dONe i'M tiREd oF yOu iGNoRiNg mE"

- once Lloyd entered the room and was unaware that he had a spider on his back

- Kai picked up a broom and whacked the poor green bean so hard he could've sworn he saw a white light

- Jay and Cole have once swapped jackets because bros™ and Cole's hoodie on Jay legit came down to his upper thighs while Jay's jacket on Cole only reached just beyond his waist

- Lloyd doesn't brag about it but his social media page has more followers than Kai because people like quality memes more than hot selfies just sayin'

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