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I never saw it before. I never saw the half-empty stares, 

The slow replies, the half attention you would give me.

I was so infatuated by you that I never noticed how little you gave me.

And that's the thing about people, you can't see clearly when they're here, and you can't see clearly when they're gone.

Because I sit here and I know that what we had was nothing, but when I think about it, it was everything. 

Nostalgia is a dirty liar and I can't tell what was real and what wasn't.

I know my feelings were all real and you knew that too. You knew I'd give up anything for you. And when I remember you, I don't remember how little you gave back,

I don't remember how when I needed you, you were never actually there. 

And I don't remember all the bad things you did to me when all I did was love you.

But I remember the good, I remember laughing and feeling like I'm home when you walked into the same room as me.

And I can't distinguish which of these versions was our real relationship because I don't remember.

All I remember is looking at you thinking you were the world.

The truth is, I could reflect on us all day long, I could rethink every single conversation we had and that wouldn't tell me what we were to you because the truth is I'll never know. I'll never know what we were, I only know my version.

And as much as I don't want to accept this, the truth is you never really cared. You were just bored and I was just there. You never had any feelings, and I think in a way I knew it all along. I was just trying to convince myself it wasn't true. I was just trying to find any sign that proved it otherwise, but the signs were all there.

They were all there, I just chose to ignore them.

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