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I think the worst part about breakups is seeing them with someone else. after you break up, you fall into a heartbroken cycle of loneliness and crying. you sit there and stare at the ceiling wondering where things went wrong. if you should have done something differently. and a lot of times, the only thing that gets you through the day is knowing that she's just as miserable as you. knowing that you meant something to her, or at least meant enough to make her cry and watch the notebook while eating ice cream. but honestly, during heartbreak, nothing rips you open like seeing her with someone else. while you're in your room staring at your hands, trying to remember what it felt like to hold her, she's laughing and making memories with somebody else. she's happy. correction, she's happier without you. nothing tears a person apart more than knowing that you were not enough, that you were not even worth her grief. that she has moved onto somebody else, doing the same exact things that you two did together not even a week ago. she is making new memories while you are remembering old ones. she is biting somebody else's lip while you are biting your own cracked lips. you haven't eaten in days, haven't slept, haven't even left your bed. you are heartbroken and she is with somebody else. in a week or two, she won't even remember your favorite movie or your favorite food. she will be memorizing somebody else, learning how they tick, replacing your secrets with somebody else. the worst part about breakups is that somebody always moves on faster. while you are sitting in your room at 3 am begging yourself to hold on, she will be fast asleep in somebody else's arms. you will be in pieces on the floor and she will be dancing the night away with somebody else. seeing her so much happier with someone else makes you realize that you just weren't enough for her, that there were so many things she would have rather been doing. there are so many other people she would have rather been with. the worst part about breakups is how fast and effortlessly she moved on. she flicked the memories of you off her shoulder like a piece of lint and walked away, leaving you broken and on the floor all alone.

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