❄️🔥Chapter 14: Welcome To Reverse Falls🔥❄️

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Your POV

I had been floating around for what felt like hours in a void of darkness. Then after, I started to feel the silkiness of a blanket on me and the comfiness of a mattress below me, along with a pillow beneath my head.

I started to wake up, my eyes fluttering open as they adjusted to the sudden brightness of the room.

When my vision was finally clear, I saw myself in a very unfamiliar bedroom. It was incredibly fancy and large, not to mention beautiful.

"I see you're awake." A sudden voice startled me. Sitting on a nearby chair was a sight I never imagined to see: Mabel.

But she didn't look like her usual perky sweater-loving self.

This Mabel was wearing a periwinkle jacket along with a very short black skirt, black tights, and black heels. In her hair was a black headband with a glowing greenish-blue jewel.

She wore heavy makeup. Her skin looked flawless, and she had black eyeshadow on her eyelids with periwinkle blue above it, not forgetting the cat eye eyeliner. She also had some clear pink lip gloss, which was surprising considering the rest of her appearance.

But what stood out the most were her eyes. The Mabel I knew had dark brown big bright eyes that were always filled with joy and cheer. However, her eyes were a bright periwinkle blue, and were more narrow than what I remembered. And they were glaring daggers at me.

This was NOT the Mabel I knew.

Mabel: Had a nice rest?

You: I... guess...?

Mabel: *raises an eyebrow*

You: Um... where am I...?

Mabel: Why, you're in the Gleeful mansion, my dear.

You: The what...?

Mabel: *rolls her eyes* Clearly you bumped your head harder than we thought. Do you recognize me from my show? I've seen you go.

You: Show...? I mean, you look like someone I know, but...

Mabel: *sigh* I'm Mabel Gleeful.

Wait, GLEEFUL?!? As in Gideon Gleeful?!? Didn't he leave Gravity Falls to become a performer?!? That's what the twins had told me!!! But this was Mabel!!!

What was going on?!?

Mabel: My brother and I find you in the woods after one of our shows. To be honest, I would've just left you, but my brother seemed to be interested in you and we brought you here.

You: Uh, thank you...?!?

Mabel: I'll leave you alone now. You should get some more rest.

You: But I'm not-!!!

She place a finger on my forehead and I was once again stuck in pure darkness.

Dipper's POV

Voice 1: You think he's a-alive...?

Voice 2: Of course he's alive!!! He's breathing, isn't he?!? But why would he be wearing that?!? He kinda looks like you in a way!!!

Voice 1: And he has the same hat as me...!

Voice 2: Doesn't surprise me!!! Your dad probably sold many of those!!!

Voice 1: I don't know about that...

Voice 2: Shh, shh, he's waking up...!!!

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