❄️🔥Chapter 6: Sleepover🔥❄️

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Your POV

At the moment, Dipper and I were in the attic sitting in his bed. He was patching up my wound which now that I see was pretty bad. Although he seemed more concerned about it than me.

Dipper: There, that should take care of it.

You: Thanks, Dip. You really didn't have to do this.

Dipper: Yes I did...

I could see it in his face. He blamed himself for what happened to me. That's why he was taking care of me. He felt as if he were the one at fault.

You: Hey, none of this was your fault you know. I was the idiot that left alone.

Dipper: But I should've have noticed your disappearance sooner...

You: Don't beat yourself over this, we're fine! I'm fine! And I wouldn't be if it weren't for you, so thanks. And even if we did almost die because of the gnomes, it was still really fun to go exploring after so many years.

Dipper: Well I'm glad you enjoyed it.

You and Dipper: *smile genuinely while blushing a bit*

Dipper: U-uh, I should be getting the sleeping bags. *starts walking backwards to the door* I'll be right back. *bumps into the wall* Heh, sorry. *leaves*

I couldn't help but giggle. Dipper was so adorable! And kinda cute too. I also smiled at the memory of him bandaging my arm. He was so careful to make sure he didn't make it worse, and how worried he was. I felt my cheeks heat up at the thought and immediately shook my head. Just then, Mabel cam inside holding a (f/c) sweater with name written in (s/f/c).

Mabel: Here, I made this for you! You can use it as pijamas!

You: Whoa, you made this?!?

Mabel: Yeah, I've been working on it since the day I met you and Luke!!! I made one for him too!!! I gave it to him before I came here!!!

You: That's amazing!!! Thank you so much, Mabel!!!

Mabel: Of course!!! Anything for my new best friend!!! Oh, and here are some shorts. I'll get out so you can change, call me when you're done!!! *leaves*

After I change...

You: Mabel, I'm done changing!!!

Mabel: *enters* OMG!!! It looks so good on you!!!!!!

You: Thanks!!! And it's soooo comfortable I never want to take it off!!!! *hug yourself*

Luke: *enters* I know, right?!? They're so comfy and warm!!!!

You: And stylish!!!

Mabel: Aww, thanks, guys!!!

Dipper's POV

I had been searching for the sleeping bags for minutes now. I began to look for Mabel to ask her if she knew where they were. I heard her talking to (y/n) and Luke in the attic/bedroom so I went in.

"Hey Mabel? Have you seen the-" I stopped at the sight of (y/n). She was wearing a long (f/c) sweater that reached just above her knees. This was also the first time I had seen her with loose hair. She looked... amazing!!!

You: I think you're brother's broken.

Mabel: Dipper? Earth to Dipper!!!

Dipper: *shakes his head rapidly while blushing wildly* I- y-yes?!?

Luke: Dude, are you alright? You completely zoned off!

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